Nobel Laureate Economist Paul Krugman
Because they are, at this point. It’s not even false equivalence: compare the amount of attention given to the Clinton Foundation despite absence of any evidence of wrongdoing, and attention given to Trump Foundation, which engaged in more or less open bribery — but barely made a dent in news coverage. Clinton was harassed endlessly over failure to give press conferences, even though she was doing lots of interviews; Trump violated decades of tradition by refusing to release his taxes, amid strong suspicion that he is hiding something; the press simply dropped the subject.
Brian Beutler argues that it’s about protecting the media’s own concerns, namely access. But I don’t think that works. It doesn’t explain why the Clinton emails were a never-ending story but the disappearance of millions of George W. Bush emails wasn’t, or for that matter Jeb Bush’s deletion of records; the revelation that Colin Powell did, indeed, offer HRC advice on how to have private email the way he did hasn’t even been reported by some major news organizations.
And […]
I have no idea where Krugman gets this. The Washington Post has been running a non-stop hate campaign against Trump, and CNN has been working overtime on the same issue.
Of course, given that Trump thinks negative publicity is better than no publicity, he has made Hillary almost invisible, and she has not helped herself. She has only done about 1 rally per week and has cancelled some of those, where Trump has been out there day after day drawing large crowds.
Like him or not, Trump has been saying what a lot of Americans are thinking, and that is why he is steadily creeping up in the polls.