Student loan debt could end up costing higher education in the U.S. for a long time. Findings from The 2016 Inside Higher Ed Survey of College & University Admissions Directors provide insight into how institutions of higher education are dealing with enrollment issues amid continued concerns about the rising cost of postsecondary education. The majority of admissions directors surveyed say their institution is losing potential applicants because of the applicants’ concerns about accumulating student loan debt.

Those concerns are rooted in sobering statistics. More than seven in 10 recent four-year college graduates have student loan debt. The nearly $1.3 trillion in outstanding student loan debt is shared across 43 million borrowers and exceeds credit card and auto loan debt in the U.S. The average debt load for graduates now tops $30,000 and is nearly triple the average debt load in the early 1990s. While the total average borrowed for a bachelor’s degree has skyrocketed, the average family income has not. Family incomes have been flat since 2000, and many are struggling economically, so while graduates may have a higher chance of avoiding unemployment and getting a better-paying job than their peers who don’t have a postsecondary degree or certificate, […]

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