Credit: Mr. Fish / Truthdig
We await the crisis. It could be economic. It could be a terrorist attack within the United States. It could be widespread devastation caused by global warming. It could be nationwide unrest as the death spiral of the American empire intensifies. It could be another defeat in our endless and futile wars. The crisis is coming. And when it arrives it will be seized upon by the corporate state, nominally led by a clueless real estate developer, to impose martial law and formalize the end of American democracy.
When we look back on this sad, pathetic period in American history we will ask the questions all who have slid into despotism ask. Why were we asleep? How did we allow this to happen? Why didn’t we see it coming? Why didn’t we resist?
Why did we allow the corporate state to strip away the rights of poor people of color and force them to live in terror in mini-police states? Why did we build the world’s largest system of mass […]
This is a pretty good description of how things have really been for decades.
Trump has apparently kept 2 companies from shipping more jobs out of the country. When did Obama ever do anything like that? Did he repeal the Patriot Act or close Gitmo?
Don’t just blame the people who voted for him. Blame the Democrats who ran a pathetic campaign with no positive program.
Ditto Mr. Hovland’s comments. Hillary promised more of the same sleaze & corruption guaranteed ranteed Trump is repackaging with different gift wrap..merry Christmas America! Maybe Trump will do some positive things as well. At least there is some potential for change.
My main takeaway from the Obama years is a sense of betrayal. Promised change, delivered more of the same.