Is Donald Trump really a “big fan” of the intelligence community, as he claimed on Twitter, or did he disparage intelligence professionals when he repeatedly referred to them and their work in sneer quotes about “Intelligence” briefings and the “so-called ‘Russian hacking’”?
Did Trump mock a disabled reporter, or did your eyes, and the Hollywood elite make you think he did?
Did he convince Ford not to move a car plant to Mexico, saving American jobs, or was it all a fabrication for publicity?
Did he win the election with a historically narrow victory, or did he score a “landslide”?
The questions are endless, and the answers, unless you’re paying very close attention — all the time — can require significant effort to ascertain. Reality is becoming hazy in the era of Trump. And that’s no accident.
The fact is Trump has become America’s gaslighter in chief.
If you’ve never heard the term, prepare to learn it and live with it every day. Unless Trump starts behaving in a […]
Obama has been shredded the US constitution for 8 years on the heels of Bush, don’t expect Trumpster to reverse the trend as he is an admitted authoritarian.