Monday, January 23rd, 2017
Stephan: One of the hallmarks of Fascism is its complete commitment to what the Trump Administration calls "alternative facts," or gaslighting as social media calls it. Yesterday we witnessed what I think was one of the most extraordinary performances I have seen from a White House podium since Ron Ziegler and the Nixon Administration. What do I mean: Blatant lying so stupid that five minutes of checking could prove it was a lie. And thus we come to this story. I have deliberately chosen a non-U.S. publication to make the additional point that this absurd kind of lying has profound international consequences.
One thing is clear: Truth will not be the hallmark of the new administration and all statements made officially from its podiums will have to be tested for accuracy before being accepted. The good news here is that constant and grotesque lying on the part of Trump and his minions combined with their endless attacks on media, will force corporate media to up its game, and to make sure that what it is saying is accurate.
Kellyanne Conway, a woman who has made a career of lying, and saying the most absurd things with a straight face.
If there was one Sunday-morning talk show exchange that describes the new reality for the political media – and for the truth – during the Donald Trump era, this was it.
It was a discussion about White House press secretary Sean Spicer, on his first full day in that job, having taken to the podium and made easily disproved claims about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd.
“Why put him out there for the very first time, in front of that podium, to utter a provable falsehood?” Meet the Press host Chuck Todd asked Kellyanne Conway, counsellor to the President.
Now here is something we can agree on, Stephan–but I propose that the _cause_ is different than you think. Given all the bizarre evidence, Trump and Conway actually DO live in an alternate universe. I just wish the wormhole linking our real world from their alternate one would suddenly close and swallow them up. Sadly, I don’t think it will happen…