GM malaria vaccine ‘milestone’

Stephan:  Here is some really good news. Malaria has killed countless millions over just in the last 150 years.  Am I exaggerating? Countless millions. In 2015, there were roughly 212 million malaria cases that resulted in an estimated 429 000 malaria deaths. Relieving the world of this scourge, as Smallpox was eradicated, would be a blessing. If this research continues in the vein described in the report, it will be a major contribution to wellbeing.

Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted by a bite from infected Anopheles mosquitoes.

A malaria vaccine that uses a weakened form of the parasite has passed a “critical milestone” in human safety trials, say researchers.

Doctors used a genetically modified form of malaria that was unable to cause a full infection in people.

Trials, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, suggested it was safe and generated a good immune response.

Tropical disease experts described the findings as “promising”.

The malaria parasite goes through multiple stages both in mosquitoes and inside the human body.

The team at the Centre for Infectious Disease Research, in Seattle, deleted three genes from the parasite so it could not infect liver cells.

The idea is that “infecting” people with the weakened parasite will expose the immune system to malaria, but the parasite will not be able to complete its lifecycle to cause disease.

Ten people took part in the safety trials. No-one went on to develop the disease and there were no severe side-effects to the treatment.

The patients’ antibodies were then given to mice, which showed greater immunity when they were deliberately […]

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Traffic fatalities decline in states with medical marijuana laws

Stephan:  Here is some more good news. And another Prohibitionist toxic fantasy can be given a burial in the Potters field of disinformation. Increased auto fatalities as a result of reefer madness did not result from legalization as it was claimed would be the case. In fact in those states where medical marijuana was legalized fatalities went down. How do we know this: Because once again the laboratories that are individual states show the that wellness oriented policies produce better social outcomes. It is as plain as the nose on your face, as the old cliché goes. Why is this happening? The article says, because marijuana has replaced alcohol for many, but that is hardly a medical usage. My analysis suggests it is because less drivers are impaired with pharmaceuticals, particularly Opiods, because they are using marijuana instead. In the face of this data it will be interesting to see what the next Attorney General does. I can hardly write this sentence he is such a demonstrated racist -- Attorney General Sessions is a rabid anti-weed fanatic, who was O.K. about the KKK until he found out they smoked grass. Seriously.   Journal citation: US Traffic Fatalities, 1985-2014, and Their Relationship to Medical Marijuana Laws, Julian Santaella-Tenorio, DVM, MSc, Christine M. Mauro, PhD, Melanie M. Wall, PhD, June H. Kim, MPhil, MHS, Magdalena Cerdá, DrPH, Katherine M. Keyes, PhD, Deborah S. Hasin, PhD, Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, and Silvia S. Martins, MD, PhD, American Journal of Public Health, doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303577, published 20 December 2016.

States that enacted medical marijuana laws, on average, experienced reductions in traffic fatalities, according to a study by researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Overall, states that passed medical marijuana laws saw an 11 percent reduction in traffic fatalities, on average, after enacting the laws, and had 26 percent lower rates of traffic fatalities compared with states without the laws. The findings are published online in the American Journal of Public Health.(emphasis added)

Reductions in traffic fatalities greatly impacted those between the ages of 15 and 44 and were especially striking among those aged 25 to 44 years, a group representing a high percentage of those registered patients for medical marijuana use.

Specifically, the researchers observed an 11 percent reduction of among those aged 15 to 24 years, 12 percent for ages 25 to 44, and 9 percent for those 45 years and older. Operational dispensaries were also associated with a significant reduction in traffic fatalities in those aged 25 to 44 years at 5 percent.

Lacking was strong evidence suggesting reductions among those aged 45 years and older, which is also a group overrepresented in the population of patients registered in state medical marijuana programs. “This finding […]

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Americans are less Christian, but not so Congress

Stephan:  This article describes a very interesting trend, a Congress significantly more religious than the population at large. The natural disposition of such a Congress for Theocratic Rightist reasons is to have a very deleterious effect on women, and their health. Only citizen activism can check this wellness reducing bias. All of us need to stay involved.

WASHINGTON — The share of U.S. adults who describe themselves as Christians has been declining for decades, but today’s Congress is about as Christian as it was in the early 1960s, according to a new analysis by the Pew Research Center.

Study: Coastal NC Officials Not Willing To Prepare For Sea Level Rise

Stephan:  The truth is that there are large parts of the American coast, where Republicans govern, that are not going to be properly prepared for climate change particularly sea rise.   This report describes the reality of politics in North Carolina, one such state. I do not envy people living in North Carolina, Louisiana Alabama, Florida. If you live in such an area and plan to live there for a long time, I urge you to start your own planning. With, if you can, your local community. It is going to be very painful, and it is important to begin planning now.

Sea level rise over the North Carolina Coast.

Coastal Carolina officials may not be willing to prepare for climate change until it’s too late, according to a new study out of N.C. State and Appalachian State Universities. (emphasis added)

Appalachian State University researcher Brian Bulla surveyed local officials in 20 coastal counties and found that knowledge of the science behind climate change didn’t make officials more willing to prepare their communities for impacts like sea-level rise.

To Bulla, the findings raised concerns.

“It seems to suggest that just providing people − whether public officials or the general public − with more or better information is not necessarily going to increase adaptive action,” he said.

Since 1870, global sea level has risen by about 7.5 inches, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, which further estimates global sea levels will rise at a greater rate during the next century.

Sea level change from about 1870 to 2000, based on coastal tide gauge data.
Credit Global Climate Change / […]

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The Canada experiment: is this the world’s first ‘postnational’ country?

Stephan:  For most of my life and most of our past before that America was unique, because it was not based on ethnicity, or tribalism, instead it acknowledged it was an immigrant nation to which anyone who subscribed to the idea of America as the Founders conceived it was welcome. The Statue of Liberty makes this statement explicitly. We saw ourselves as an immigrant nation upwardly mobile, technologically sophisticated, family centered, religiously tolerant to the point where religion and state were separated by a legal firewall, where the function of the state was to foster wellbeing. Yes, of course the vision was imperfectly realized, the Southern states to their everlasting shame built their economies on slavery -- and I say that as a Virginian, with family roots tracing back to the early 1600s -- and many saw the indigenous peoples we found on the land to be less than human, although Founders like Benjamin Franklin had enormous respect for them, and learned from them. But equality and inclusion was our guiding vision until somewhere in the post Korean War era when that vision began to bleed away; until today when a large percentage of us are blatant racists in thought if not in word, although often in deed. Hate and fear elected Donald Trump, and the price we are going to pay for that decision I suspect will leave us stunned by its toxicity. In contrast Canada, as this essay describe, our quiet neighbor to the North, Canada, is going in a very different direction and, by the time the Trump Administration is over, it may be the America we once sought to be.  

Marshall McLuhan saw in Canada the raw materials for a dynamic new conception of nationhood.’
Illustration: Jacqui Oakley

As 2017 begins, Canada may be the last immigrant nation left standing. Our government believes in the value of immigration, as does the majority of the population. We took in an estimated 300,000 newcomers in 2016, including 48,000 refugees, and we want them to become citizens; around 85% of permanent residents eventually do. Recently there have been concerns about bringing in single Arab men, but otherwise Canada welcomes people from all faiths and corners. The greater Toronto area is now the most diverse city on the planet, with half its residents born outside the country; Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa and Montreal aren’t far behind. Annual immigration accounts for roughly 1% of the country’s current population of 36 million.

Canada has been over-praised lately for, in effect, going about our business as usual. In 2016 such luminaries as US President Barack Obama and Bono, no less, declared “the world needs more Canada”. In October, the Economist blared “Liberty Moves North: Canada’s Example to the World” […]

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