55% of American workers don’t take all their paid vacation

Stephan:  This is a particularly sad trend. In the first place American workers get far less time off that their counterparts in European nations. In the second place, as this report describes, even the modest amount they do get, the majority don't use. Why? Fear of being replaced; the small percentage protected by union membership; pressure from management all are factors workers report. No wonder Americans as a country are so unhappy.

caitdebaungmailcom vacation ferris bueller time off

Millions of Americans are giving their vacation days back to their employer.

More than half (55%) of Americans didn’t take all their vacation days in 2015, up from 42% in 2013, according to a new study released Tuesday by the U.S. Travel Association’s Project Time Off. This is the first time it found a majority of workers are not using all their vacation time. (emphasis added) The average worker took 16.2 days of vacation last year, down from 20 days in 1993, resulting in $61.4 billion in forfeited benefits. These workers gave up 658 million unused vacation days and 222 million of those days cannot be rolled over or exchanged for money. (Over 5,600 full-time workers were surveyed, including 1,184 managers.)

This is similar to previous studies on the subject. Employees only use 51% of their eligible paid vacation time, according to a 2014 survey of 2,300 workers who receive paid vacation. What’s more, 61% of Americans work while they’re on vacation, despite complaints from family members; one-in-four report being contacted by […]

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Kentucky GOP files new abortion ban: The only ‘choice’ women have is ‘to conceive or not conceive’

Stephan:  It is fascinating, in a macabre sort of way, to watch what happens to a state that comes under Republican governance. People vote individuals like Kentucky Republican State Senator into office. You have to ask are they that ignorant, or do they really want to degrade their quality of life? I've never been sure, but that is what always happens. Whether you are talking Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Sam Brownback, or any of the rest of the Republican ideologues the net-net is always that they trash their states. And yet after this election Republicans control many more states than Democrats. I think the problem with America is Americans. And the Republican policies always have an anti-women bias built in; just that extra little bit of nastiness. Here's the latest from Kentucky.

Republican State Senator Robert Stivers

For the first time in 95 years, Republicans took total control over the Kentucky state government this week and immediately moved to strip rights from women and workers.

According to the Courier-Journal, a 20-week abortion ban is one of the first 11 bills being considered by the GOP-controlled legislature.

Republican Senate President Robert Stivers told reporters on Tuesday that women relinquished their reproductive “choice” by getting pregnant in the first place.

Stivers said that a woman had a “choice early on to make a decision to conceive or not conceive.”

“But once conception starts, there becomes another life involved. And the legislature has its ability to control how that life may proceed or how it would be terminated,” he stated.

Republican House Speaker Jeff Hoover said that there was “overwhelming sentiment” in favor of the 20-week abortion ban. He predicted that it would be passed by the legislature by the end of the week.

“Legislation about bans like this pose a serious threat because they ignore women’s health needs in individual circumstances,” ACLU of Kentucky spokesperson Amber Duke told the Courier-Journal. “We believe that […]

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Organisms Might be Quantum Machines

Stephan:  For those of us who do research into the nature of consciousness quantum physics for some years has been an area of intense interest because it may be that through quantum processes consciousness interacts with space time. Here is a good article on some of the relevant issues written in terms that are comprehensible to a general audience.

An abstract Earth with its geomagnetic fields

If there’s any subject that perfectly encapsulates the idea that science is hard to understand, it’s quantum physics. Scientists tell us that the miniature denizens of the quantum realm behave in seemingly impossible ways: they can exist in two places at once, or disappear and reappear somewhere else instantly.

The one saving grace is that these truly bizarre quantum behaviours don’t seem to have much of an impact on the macroscopic world as we know it, where “classical” physics rules the roost.

Or, at least, that’s what scientists thought until a few years ago.

Quantum processes might be at work behind some very familiar processes

Now that reassuring wisdom is starting to fall apart. Quantum processes may occur not quite so far from our ordinary world as we once thought. Quite the opposite: they might be at work behind some very familiar processes, from the photosynthesis that powers plants – and ultimately feeds us all – to the familiar sight of birds on their seasonal migrations. Quantum physics might even play a role in our sense of smell.

In fact, quantum effects could be […]

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Finland is giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income

Stephan:  Here is some good news.  Finland is joining with other countries and Alaska in what is literally a social experiment: providing a guaranteed income, to a scientifically balanced pilot population, and seeing what happens. It's described in this report. What the Theocratic Right has never understood is that fostering wellbeing is always cheaper, healthier, more efficient, more productive, and nicer for everyone. The social outcome data is absolutely explicit on this. I think it is important to ask what stops them from seeing the data for what it is? What prejudice trumps wellbeing for them? Nobody ever asks that question and I think it's time we did.  

Finland has started a radical experiment: It’s giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income, with funds that keep flowing whether participants work or not.

The program, which kicks off this month, is one of the first efforts to test a “universal basic income.” Participants will receive €560 ($587) a month — money that is guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status.

The idea is that a universal income offers workers greater security, especially as technological advances reduce the need for human labor. It will also allow unemployed people to pick up odd jobs without losing their benefits.

The initial program will run for a period of two years. Participants were randomly selected, but had to be receiving unemployment benefits or an income subsidy. The money they are paid through the program will not be taxed.

If the program is successful, it could be expanded to include all adult Finns.

The Finnish government thinks the initiative could save money in the long run. The country’s welfare system is complex and expensive to run, and simplifying it could reduce costly bureaucracy.

The change could also encourage more jobless people to […]

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As world grays, seniors step up to create an ‘age-friendly’ future

Stephan:  Here is more good news, about one of the metatrends that are now shaping society. Societies are going to become defined by how they treat elders, who are a growing population. Just as there was a baby boom (1946-1964), so there is now a death boom. And people are having fewer children later in life. Older people become a large part of the population. In some cultures, in some cities, choices oriented towards wellbeing are already being made about seniors. Once again, we can see the Theorem of Wellbeing playing out, and being confirmed. This is happening because of group intention, and focused action by Seniors and others. It is an example of the 8 laws and the Quotidian Choice in action, and working.  

Seniors in Greece Credit: Melanie Stetson Freeman/TCSM

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND — A new graffiti crew, clutching canisters of green spray paint, is roaming the streets of Levenshulme, but they are not tagging walls. Instead, the “graffiti grannies” – a group of activist pensioners – in this postindustrial suburb of Manchester, England, mark every hole in the sidewalk that could trip them up, challenging the city council to bring in the pavers. As players in a growing “age-friendly” movement, they are part of a revolution in the ways that cities are adapting to their rapidly aging populations.

Across the English Channel in the Netherlands, Harry TerBraak isn’t about to conform to any age stereotypes. He is 90, a resident of a small-town nursing home that also houses students seeking a rent-free room, and he doesn’t blink at being greeted as “dude” with a fist bump by his younger housemates. In an intergenerational experiment gaining traction across the West, old and young are learning from each other, re-creating a way of life that was once the natural order.

And in South Africa, Novusumzi Masala is simply focusing on the job in […]

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