FBI computer center
Credit: FBI
There have been reports of white supremacist groups infiltrating local police departments for years now, and it seems the FBI is so concerned about the trend that it’s put protocols in place to block sharing information with cops suspected of having white nationalist ties.
The Intercept has published a new report that shows the FBI’s Counterterrorism Policy Guide gives the agency the option to “mark a watchlisted police officer as a ‘silent hit,’ thus preventing queries to the National Crime Information Center… from returning a record that identifies the officer as having been flagged as a known or suspected terrorist.”
The guide doesn’t offer any specifics for whether the FBI should notify local police stations that one of their officers has been flagged as a suspected extremist, but former FBI agent Michael German tells The Intercept that “typically, if someone in the police department is suspect, unless it’s an extreme case of leadership, professional courtesy requires some sort of notification.”
The report notes that both white supremacists and so-called “sovereign citizens” — that is, individuals who refuse to acknowledge the authority of any […]
I wonder if this is related and happening in other places? A “military” convoy, unclaimed by any branch of the service, flying a Trump flag. Worrisome indeed.