Credit: Der Spiegel
The United States president is becoming a danger to the world. It is time for Germany and Europe to prepare their political and economic defenses.
There are times in life that really do count. Times when a person’s character is revealed, when the important is separated from the unimportant. Soon decisions are taken that will determine the further path a person takes. With some, this can be tragic, and the moment comes too soon in their youth at a time when they aren’t mature enough yet to foresee all the potential consequences. They make the decisions cheerfully and they lead to either luck or bad luck. But countries and governments are seldom as innocent when it comes to their decisions.
That’s the kind of situation now approaching. The people who will soon have to decide are already grown up. They now have to start preparing, even if it will be painful.
Germany must stand up in opposition to the 45th president of the United States and his government. That’s difficult enough already […]
No fan here of Trump or any authoritarian. However this article refers to multilateralism and free trade as greatest achievements of 20th century. What a load of crap. If by that it is meant the multilateral wars and orwellian speak trade agreements that are thinly masked managed crony capitalism…we can do without that. Europe needs to grow up and pay their own way again 70+ years after being subsidized post WWII. This does not mean we cannot work together or have fair and mutually beneficial trade. American taxpayers have been footing the bill for Germany & European defense while counting on them to support our interventionalist wars of agression. No more war and no more rigged trade deals. Enough.
I agree with much of what you say but the one fact you left out is that we produce all the military stuff, that is our largest export. Our companies love NATO so they can up grade the military machinery every one and awhile- we are the world’s military promoters. These companies own congressmen and spread the manufacturing into many many districts for that reason of jobs.
That “Pax Americana” has been toxic for quite awhile. The masses have not benefited from the current version of globalism.
Ever since the 19th Century the old German Elite has wanted to rule Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals. When Germany positions tanks to counter “Russian aggression” alarm bells go off in the heart of Russia. Germany has used the Euro to do what they couldn’t do with armies- conquer the continent and bleed the economies of other nations for their own benefit.
LJMurphy, very good point, thanks for adding this to discussion. I guess if Europe is left to mostly defend themselves..we would have to compete to be their number one arms dealer instead of the current distorted NATO arrangement. I’d rather we transition to peace as our main export than bombs..but the powers that should not be still have the reins for now. It’s time to ditch this dinosaur system!
Mr. Hovland makes a salient point about the EU. Indeed, the EU / Euro is essentially a wealth extraction vehicle for the financial tyrants.