The Environmental Protection Agency’s website has begun to transform under the Trump administration.

 A group of researchers have found what are likely the first steps in a major overhaul of a site that’s been closely watched since President Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20. Federal climate plans created under former President Barack Obama, tribal assistance programs and references to international cooperation have been stricken from the site.

A mention of carbon pollution as a cause of climate change has also been removed and adaptation has been emphasized, indicating an attempt to separate the cause of climate change from the response. Some of the changes — like removing mentions to programs and task forces that have run their course as well as broken links — are housekeeping, according to an agency statement.

There have been extensive revisions made to the EPA's climate collaboration page, including removing language about carbon pollution.

There have been extensive revisions made to the EPA’s climate collaboration page, including removing language about carbon pollution. EDGI

Putting the web page […]

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