The idea that consciousness can affect reality is hardly new, if you think about it. Therapeutic intention expressed through prayer, usually through an intermediary deity or transcendental power, dates back into the mists of the past, its beginnings unknowable. And it is not just an article of faith. I and many others have carried out rigorous studies showing its effects.1, 2, 3, 4 The studies number to several thousand each showing an effect on blood cells, bacteria, fish, and mammals, through nonlocal perturbation—affecting the well-being, for good or ill it should be noted, through conscious intention alone.5
Some years ago I was the principal investigator on a study that took this a stage further. This research showed that therapeutic intention also had an effect on water, consistently altering its molecular structure by changing the H–O bonds as measured by multiple-internal reflection infrared spectrophotometry.6 And as these things go it was a pretty robust effect (P = .0004).
A second effect was also noted. Water samples that were in the room where the therapeutic intention was expressed, but unknown to […]
Agreed. totally!
KUDDOS, Stephan!!! That’s really making a difference! Using the situation in USA and President Trump to show people HOW they can make a difference with THEIR MIND and INTENTION. Ranting and raving and being mad about the whole thing simply GIVES MORE POWER to the situation and attitudes we deplore.
The secret is to gently turn our vision on what we would like to see… En mass we can make the difference. It’s been proven through the power of prayer, group meditation… Rupert Sheldrake and his “morphogenetic field” et…
I’m totally ONE with you and everyone PRAYING for an epiphany and miraculous VISION for President Trump.. or/and all the Americans to have a NEW look on what is possible.
Dear Stephan,
We have never seen a physical worldwide response to anything such as the marches that occurred not just in the US but across Europe after the inauguration … and they were spontaneous. It was different than the collective attention following Diana’s death or the twin towers attack. All were spontaneous but the marches were physically observable.
Having been initially horrified at the election outcome, I realized that the outcome was actually a ‘gift’ wherein the people of the world identified democracy’s importance and the deep connection we have in wanting/knowing what is right (and what is not right) for humanity. Now that we ‘get it’, can we move forward or do we need to continue to receive blow after blow from this insecure President. I know we should be sending him love but I fear that it will embolden him and that will have the opposite effect. Perhaps we should be sending him, and those around him, wisdom AND love?
At least we all know that we all know we are together.
Regards Jane
Fabulous article..thank you Stephan! I am involved in group meditation.. subtle activism.. and this article helps me balance my scientific training & perspective with these efforts of non-local consciousness. What a treat! I will download and reread this article and pass it on to some others who will appreciate it!
Perhaps you should take a break from the political stuff. I’m getting sort of tired of it as well. Concentrate for a while on the new and “weird” stuff. That’s what led me to your site many years ago in the first place. It was a place where I could read about stuff that no one else mentioned. You know what I’m talking about.
Take a break from Trump and his merry band of fools. Tell us what is going to be important 20 years from now.
Wishing you well,
Dave Axtell
The media is not reality. The view from my kitchen window is the same as it was 1/19/17.
Opinions are not facts, no matter how much you agree with them.
We are suffering from a deluge of logical fallacies. Make sure you know what they are.
There’s a possibility that feeding ourselves will trump every other consideration if the weather continues to be so unstable. Do something about that.
Thank you Stephan, for the delightful mental cleanse.
Bradley Shepherd
Thank you for a very compelling and timely review. It did raise one question though. In the next to last paragraph you wrote “[materialism] has created, a very real assumption of dominance over nature, and seeing other beings and the Earth itself as exploitable resources” But didn’t this worldview arise and even predominate in some cultures predating the rise of materialism as the dominant worldview of the West. What about Genesis prescribing that man has dominion over the earth? Or the Roman Empire (and other empires) ruthlessly conquering, plundering, exploiting, and enslaving as much of the earth as they could in the name of the gods? Perhaps materialism has just been used to rationalize this view.
Thank you Stephan, for all of your work. It’s hard watching the carnival show and feeling optimistic about the future at the same time, but this article definitely helps…