A group of happy Republicans who are stripping away customer protections, and eliminating regulations
Congress is rolling back Obama-era rules governing pollution from coal mines, oil-drilling emissions, and more.
For the past couple weeks, the news cycle has fixated on the protests and court battles kicked off by Donald Trump’s sweeping executive orders on refugees, immigrants, and travelers to the US from seven Muslim-majority countries. And rightly so, given the impact these actions have had on the communities they’ve targeted. But in background, the 115th US Congress has quietly kicked into gear, passing its first two significant Trump-era measures and sending them to the president on Monday for a signature.
On their face, these House joint resolutions may seem a little niche. One nullifies a late Obama-era Department of the Interior rule that would have cracked down on pollution coming from coal mines. The other nullifies a Securities and Exchange Commission rule, also put into place near the end of Obama’s tenure, which […]