Saturday, February 18th, 2017
Editor’s Note – I Need Your Help
Author: Stephan A. Schwartz
Source: Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 17 February 2017
Link: Editor’s Note – I Need Your Help
Source: Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 17 February 2017
Link: Editor’s Note – I Need Your Help
Stephan: I need your help. I believe we are now in a crisis greater than Watergate -- and I was in government on a senior staff all through Watergate. Those of you who read me regularly know that I have been describing what I call the Great Schism Trend for some years, and that within that trend I see a Fascist Neo-feudal harmonic shaping up in the U.S. and other nations; and that I see Donald Trump as a symptom of this not the disease.
In anticipation of what was coming and to give regular citizens tools to use in this crisis to shift our culture to one where the first priority is a compassionate life-affirming social order that fosters wellbeing, from the individual, to the family, the community, the state, the nation, and the planet itself I wrote The 8 Laws of Change.
Research shows that when 10% of any cohort shifts its world view, then the whole cohort tips. And that is exactly how I read the 2016 election. It represented just such a tip. I could see in the social outcome trends that a significant percentage of America had become lost in a fear fugue and threatened to actually end our democracy. Research also showed me that the only way to counteract this decline without violence was for those of us who are not in fear but are infused with hope and a sense of opportunity to use our beingness to raise America out of the swamp of fear and hate that threatens to consume us.
I have done everything I can to get 8 Laws into public awareness, and now I need help. I need new ideas, I need help in manifesting them. The 8 Laws is the antidote to Trump, and I need help getting this information out to people.
A number of you have written me suggesting that I ask my readers to post something about The 8 Laws on their Facebook pages. If you feel comfortable doing that, I would appreciate it.
-- Stephan
I’ll post your book on my facebook feed, and what you have meant to me in your regular Schwartzreport. That is the most I can do. You never know what generates with just getting the word out.
Stephan, I’ve passed on my recommendation of your book to several friends and acquaintance who might be interested. Keep up the good work!
If you have more concrete ideas for collaboration, let me know.
I am with you. I start a new job this Monday in a small town in Indiana as the Public Utilities Director and Town Manager. I will educate the staff, town counsel, and Mayor. I pledge to set the vision for wellness and develop goals to support that.
I have also posted it on my Facebook page, along with Stephan’s intro and URL to Schwartzreport and a few words of my own. This is a good one to post on Facebook “secret groups” set up by resistance circles (hopefully in every city and state) to provide a good grounding in nonviolent methods. Otherwise many newbies may start from scratch with Thoreau, Gandhi, and Tolstoy and lack the practical landing gear. Many are getting special training to help marches and rallies stay peaceful and get off to the best start possible with authorities.
I think you should make a small pamphlet giving the overview of 8 Laws that can be given away free & distributed everywhere. Put something intriguing on the front to get people curious. Put a link for more info in the pamphlet.
I’ve posted several times since your book came out. I believe 8 Laws of Change is an important and inspiring work that can be a valuable tool to all of us going forward. And I will be happy to post comments, quotes and excerpts again (and again). Thank you for all you do that is life affirming and pls keep me posted if there is any further way I can support you and your work.