A Nissan Leaf drives in a bus lane, one of many perks afforded to electric car drivers in Norway.
Although battery range is improving and designs are more appealing, electric vehicles still face a long road ahead in order to gain drivers’ acceptance. The 30-month-long slump in petroleum prices is not helping; neither is range anxiety (the fear of being stranded on a roadside with no electric power). In most industrialized nations, electric cars have a market share of around 1 percent at best.
But oil-rich Norway continues to dominate when it comes to battery-powered cars.
Norway welcomed its 100,000th all-electric car in December. And 2016 concluded with sales of over 130,000 new vehicles that either have an all-electric drive train or are a plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), according to the Norway EV Association. That is triple the amount of electric cars on Norway’s cars just two years earlier.
In 2015, the New York Times estimated that electric car had only a 2 percent market share in Norway – which was still good enough to double that of the global runner-up, […]