The Rock Islands of Palau. Palau is on the front lines of the impacts of runaway anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD).
Credit: August Rode / Flickr
BABELDAOB ISLAND, PALAU — The Gaia principle, formulated by chemist James Lovelock, proposes that Earth is essentially a synergistic self-regulating complex system that actively perpetuates the conditions for life on the planet.
The Republic of Palau, a small island nation of roughly 22,000 people in Micronesia, in the far Western Pacific, is what I would refer to as an altar of Gaia. Here, diving into the waters, which contain in excess of 700 species of fish and more than 1,000 species of hard and soft corals, one’s senses can barely keep pace with the kaleidoscope of life swimming/growing/floating/being in front of one’s eyes.
I’m now writing from the northern coast of the Babeldaob Island in the archipelago, an area not too many humans on the planet will ever see, simply due to the amount of effort it takes to get there.
I stand atop a hill looking north. The Pacific Ocean is to […]
The biggest example of willful ignorance is refusing to recognize the effect of solar activity on climate.
When people say “the science is settled” they aren’t talking about science. They are talking about dogma. Real science is always open to new information. Religion has dogma.
Give it up Steve. Climate change is science, climate denial is dogma.