The First Amendment May Not Protect Us: Trump’s FCC Intensifies Attack on Press

Stephan:  We now have police bursting into people's homes to drag out illegal immigrants, the regulatory agencies, as weak and compromised as they were, are being reduced to rubble and the press is under threat as it never has been before. Welcome to Fascism America.

Caption: Lauren Walker

Media advocates everywhere were alarmed, if not surprised, when Donald Trump recently appointed former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai to be the next chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Central questions include what Pai’s appointment will mean for freedom of the press and the future of the internet. Sources who have met Pai, who is active on social media, describe him as smart and affable, but with a militant, ideological opposition to regulating Big Media and Telecom. An FCC controlled by Trump and Pai, the latter of whom has “been on the wrong side of just about every major issue that has come before the FCC,” according to the media reform group Free Press, poses a serious threat to democracy.

Pai, an FCC commissioner since 2012, has constantly sided with the powerful media and telecom lobbies. He pledged to take a “weed whacker” to net neutrality, opposed lowering the cost of phone calls for families of people in prison, and enabled […]

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Hey Tom Price, Don’t Block My Patients’ Access to Routine Health Care

Stephan:  Tom Price, a notably corrupt little Republican troll using his office for self-enrichment, not only wasn't challenged by his fellow Republicans for his ethical lapses, he was promoted and now heads Head and Human Services, where he will do as much damage as he can to the ACA and your life in the service of his corporate masters and President Fagin

Former Republican Representative Tom Price, now Head of Health and Human Services

On November 9, 2016, I glanced at my schedule and saw that the next patient was here to receive an intrauterine device (IUD), a form of highly effective long acting contraception. I greeted her and asked her to confirm that she still wanted an IUD today. She became very emotional and exclaimed, “Yes, of course I do. I’m so glad I had this appointment already, because in a couple of months I might not be able to afford an IUD.”

I listened to her tearfully describe her fears and anxieties about what reproductive health care might look like under the new administration. Would Roe v. Wade be overturned, and could women really be punished for ending a pregnancy as Trump suggested? Would the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its contraceptive coverage be repealed, leaving women without access to coverage for pre-existing conditions, preventive healthcare, and birth control? Would religious exemptions allow employers to deny coverage […]

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Elizabeth Warren breaks down the biggest Trump scandal you haven’t heard about

Stephan:  The Trump Administration is going to screw ordinary people big time. Elizabeth Warren understands this, and is fighting for us. Read this article then write your representative and Senators and tell them to protect the Consumer Financial Protections Bureau. If you don't do it who will?

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Mitch McConnell may have cut her off on the Senate floor, but Elizabeth Warren refuses to be silenced. Two days after becoming an internet meme, the Massachusetts senator sat down with Attn to discuss an underreported but no less pressing Trump scandal.

“What Donald Trump wants to do is fire one of the most important financial cops and then say to the American people, you keep walking down this dark alley and, you know, what happens is what happens,” Warren revealed.

The cop in question is Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray. Cordray’s term ends in July 2018, but Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is encouraging Trump to “immediately fire” the director.

“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which didn’t even exist before the financial crisis [prevents Americans from being] cheated on mortgages and credit cards and] the things that ultimately blew up our economy,” Warren explained.

The CFPD was created by the Dodd-Frank financial reform act and specifically helped combat home mortgage scams. Now that Trump wants to scrap the legislation, Republicans such as Rep. Hensarling […]

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Government by White Nationalism Is Upon Us

Stephan:  With the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, and with Steve Bannon as the President's senior advisor, and with Donald Trump's iffy history about race issues I fear we are about to move backwards on civil rights. This is an issue I have cared about, and for which I have sought governmental racial blindness since the 1950s. Further I think it is important to see this development in its context, by which I mean the rise of Fascism, and its linkage to White Identitarian politics. Here is an essay that addresses a number of the relevant issues.

Credit: Thinkstock/Library of Congress

Before the election, when Donald Trump was still just an unlikely presidential nominee, a conservative under the pseudonym “Publius Decius Mus,” wrote a remarkable essay in support of Trump. The pseudonym alone gave a glimpse into the writer’s thinking. The real-life Decius was a Roman consul who sacrificed himself to the gods for the sake of his embattled army. And in the same way, our internet Decius called on conservatives to embrace Trump—to back the vulgarian who mocked their ideals—for the sake of saving the country as they knew it. “The ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle,” he wrote, hailing the real estate mogul as the only figure who understood the stakes, who would beat back these “foreigners” and preserve America’s democratic tradition as Decius saw it. Not a tradition […]

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White nationalists plan conference for ‘white working families’ at state park in Eastern Kentucky

Stephan:  If you think about it is a very alarming story. Look at how they describe the clothing people should wear. Does that smell like something from the past? Note that this is planned for public land. Note also where they have chosen to hold this event. This is the racism, resentment, and fear that elected Donald Trump. The truth is, as with Germany in the 1930s the problem with America is Americans. Trump is a symptom not the disease.

A white nationalist group plans to instruct participants on proper marching, how to create propaganda and on being “a voice for our people” at a conference in April at Jenny Wiley State Park in Floyd County.

The Traditionalist Worker Party, which claims to “take a stand for white working families,” will gather in the “98.35 percent European” community on April 28 and 29, according to its Facebook post, which has been shared more than 500 times. The post said the event would be held in Pike County but announced that the seminars, speeches and a dinner will be at nearby Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, which is in Floyd County.

Floyd County Judge-Executive Ben Hale said the group has a Constitutional right to meet, but the vast majority of county residents would not condone its views.

“That’s just not the way our county thinks,” Hale said Wednesday. “I feel like we’ve got honest, God-fearing people.”

The few who might agree wouldn’t do so openly, he said.

“I would say they would be hard-pressed to find any Floyd Countians attending.”

State Senate Minority Leader […]

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