What’s causing hearing loss for millions of Americans?

Stephan:  On the island where I live people are very conscious suddenly about noise and its health implications because at the north end of the island the Navy has brought in an aircraft which when operational produces sound levels as high as 130Db which causes real damage. I began to do a little research on this as a trend, and this is what I uncovered. You might consider having a hearing test.

Millions of U.S. adults have some sort of hearing damage and a surprising number don’t even know it, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hearing loss affects around 40 million adults — one in five between the ages of 20 and 69. It is the third most common chronic condition in the U.S. Almost twice as many people report hearing loss as report diabetes or cancer.

While lengthy exposure to loud sounds at a noisy workplace is a common culprit, the new report emphasizes that the routine noise of everyday modern life can damage hearing just as much.

“Forty million Americans show some hearing damage from loud noise, with nearly 21 million reporting no exposure to loud noise at work,” CDC Acting Director Dr. Anne Schuchat said in a statement. “This can be distressing for people affected and their loved ones.”

“What’s causing it is loud noise and it’s not just how loud the noise is, it’s how long someone’s exposed to it,” CBS News medical contributor Dr. […]

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The Manipulation of Perceived Reality Through Nonlocal Intention

Stephan:  I gathered stories for today's SR and then just couldn't do it. I had been made intellectually and emotionally nauseous with the constant toxic drip of Trump coverage and the spectacle of the United States being reduced to a  carnival show by this dreadful man and his band of orcs and zombies. So here is something I just published that shows the power of human intention in a life-affirming way. Perhaps it will cleanse our mental palate.  

The idea that consciousness can affect reality is hardly new, if you think about it. Therapeutic intention expressed through prayer, usually through an intermediary deity or transcendental power, dates back into the mists of the past, its beginnings unknowable. And it is not just an article of faith. I and many others have carried out rigorous studies showing its effects.1, 2, 3, 4 The studies number to several thousand each showing an effect on blood cells, bacteria, fish, and mammals, through nonlocal perturbation—affecting the well-being, for good or ill it should be noted, through conscious intention alone.5

Some years ago I was the principal investigator on a study that took this a stage further. This research showed that therapeutic intention also had an effect on water, consistently altering its molecular structure by changing the H–O bonds as measured by multiple-internal reflection infrared spectrophotometry.6 And as these things go it was a pretty robust effect (P = .0004).

A second effect was also noted. Water samples that were in the room where the therapeutic intention was expressed, but unknown to […]

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Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 meltdown

Stephan:  It has been five years, and Japan is no closer to dealing with Fukushima than they were in 2011. Indeed, as this report details, things are getting worse. The cost of this cleanup already, and it is estimated to run for another 40 years, would have paid to convert the entire country to solar, by some estimates.

Fukushima Reactor 3 on 5 February 2017
Credit: Daily Mail

Radiation levels inside a damaged reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station are at their highest since the plant suffered a triple meltdown almost six years ago.

The facility’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), said atmospheric readings as high as 530 sieverts an hour had been recorded inside the containment vessel of reactor No 2, one of three reactors that experienced a meltdown when the plant was crippled by a huge tsunami that struck the north-east coast of Japan in March 2011.

The extraordinary radiation readings highlight the scale of the task confronting thousands of workers, as pressure builds on Tepco to begin decommissioning the plant – a process that is expected to take about four decades.

The recent reading, described by some experts as “unimaginable”, is far higher than the previous record of 73 sieverts an hour in that part of the reactor.

A single dose of […]

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Trump’s uninhabitable world: The EPA starts to remove Obama-era information from its site

Stephan:  The first thing authoritarian governments do is  limit citizens' access to accurate information about what the government is or isn't doing; and Donald Trump is nothing if not a stereotypical authoritarian. I must say that the stories that government scientists were downloading their databases and shipping them out of the country so Trump could not destroy them, which seemed to some excessive at the time, have been proven to be acts of appropriate caution. I hope the people who voted for this man are now ashamed of themselves, but I doubt that that is true.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s website has begun to transform under the Trump administration.

 A group of researchers have found what are likely the first steps in a major overhaul of a site that’s been closely watched since President Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20. Federal climate plans created under former President Barack Obama, tribal assistance programs and references to international cooperation have been stricken from the site.

A mention of carbon pollution as a cause of climate change has also been removed and adaptation has been emphasized, indicating an attempt to separate the cause of climate change from the response. Some of the changes — like removing mentions to programs and task forces that have run their course as well as broken links — are housekeeping, according to an agency statement.

There have been extensive revisions made to the EPA's climate collaboration page, including removing language about carbon pollution.

There have been extensive revisions made to the EPA’s climate collaboration page, including removing language about carbon pollution. EDGI

Putting the […]

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