Republican Representative Marsha Blackburn, one of the main proponents of selling your privacy and personal browsing history. Also one of the main recipients of money from ISP corporations. Is there a connection? You decide.
Comcast has done the impossible. Somehow, Americans are about to hate it (and just about every other large internet service provider in the country) more than they already do.
Thanks in no small part to the efforts of those ISPs, the House of Representatives passed a bill Tuesday that would allow internet and telecom companies to share customers’ personal information, including web browsing history, without their consent.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who introduced the legislation in the House, has Read the Full Article
One apparently good VPN is called “Safe Web” and sends your browser through about ten different locations around the world before connecting you to the site you want to check out. I have been tempted to join up to see how fast (or slow) it is. It is used by many people who want a safe, secure way to interact on the internet without being spied upon. I know a few people who use it successfully. It does seem to be a good way for those of us who want to change our government into a more “wellness oriented” and less “warlike” type of institution, without becoming victims of that government through their intrusion into our internet activity.