What Psychedelics Really Do to Your Brain
Dr. X is a dad. Appropriately – boringly – at 4:37 p.m. on a national holiday, he is lighting a charcoal grill, about to grab a pair of tongs with one hand and a beer with the other. His kids are running around their suburban patio, which could be anywhere; Dr. X, though impressively educated now, grew up poor in a town that is basically nowhere. Like most Americans, he is a Christian. Like a lot of health-conscious men, he fights dad bod by working out once or twice a week, before going into his medical practice.
Inside how ayahuasca, MDMA, DMT and psilocybin mushrooms affect the body – and how researchers are using them to help people with mental illness
Somewhat less conventionally, two hours ago, he was escorting a woman around his yard, helping her walk off a large dose of MDMA. He’s the one who’d given it to her, earlier in the morning, drugging her out of her mind.
This would be psychedelic-assisted therapy, the not-new […]
I wish my step-son would have had access to one of these practitioners of the shamanic type “sessions”; then maybe he would have lived. Instead he got hooked on morphine medication provided by a VA doctor which killed him. I tried to tell the VA that they were going to stop his heart with the massive amounts of the substance they were giving him, but they wouldn’t listen to me and a month later he died back in 2012, when his heart just stopped because of the morphine plus other substances he was taking all provided by the VA. I do hold them responsible for his death.
Interesting new book on the subject. Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work
Wondering if anybody but me actually reads these comments……..
Teresa —
They read them. I get about 70 emails a day from SR readers, many commenting on comments posted on one version or the other of SR — there are four editions: website, FB, subscribers, Twitter.
— Stephan
I do…Teresa, can you say more about that book & its relation to psychedelics changing our lives through these people (your presumed message)?