Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
Credit: Shutterstock
On Thursday, Republicans in the House of Representatives forced through a health care “reform” bill that is likely to leave millions of Americans without health insurance, especially those who suffer from chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It has been estimated that if the Republican Party is successful in eliminating the Affordable Care Act that at least 43,000 Americans a year will die from lack of adequate health care.
The Republican Party is pursued this policy in order to give millions of dollars in tax cuts to the very rich. President Trump, who is a billionaire, would financially benefit if Republicans succeed in repealing the ACA.
It is abundantly clear that Trump and his party possess a deep disdain for sick people, the poor and other vulnerable members of American society and wish to do them harm.
For example, several days ago Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., said this during an interview on CNN:
My understanding is that [the new […]
We found this article very helpful — thank you. In addition to the beliefs described in the article regarding why some people are rich and healthy and others are poor and sick, it seems to us that another factor is a lack of empathy. So, given research demonstrating that empathy is natural to humans but must be supported by the environment, the next question is, what accounts for this lack of empathy? There can be many reasons for it, but the beginning of it seems to be…the beginning: a lack of attachment to a primary caregiver at birth and in very early life. Modern American culture does not, in general, support this process of attachment. Has anyone written about the relationship between lack of attachment and our current political situation, in which many people continue to support a president and members of congress who behave in a manner that demonstrates such an extreme lack of empathy?