Farmers fertilize a field in California’s Imperial Valley.
Credit: Stuart Rankin
The food industry and big agricultural concerns are driving climate change and at the same time threatening to undermine efforts to feed the world’s growing population, according to GRAIN, an organisation that supports small farmers.
Particularly singled out for criticism are the large chemical fertiliser producers that have gained access to the United Nations talks on climate change. GRAIN accuses them of behaving like the fossil fuel companies did in the 1990s, pushing false information in the hope of delaying real action on climate change.
The evidence is detailed in a book – “The Great Climate Robbery: How the food system drives climate change and what we can do about it,” published by GRAIN. It is a comprehensive account of the unrelenting and largely successful campaign by big companies […]
As the Mini Ice Age settles in, backyard gardens will become one of the most important sources of food. Read up on cool climate crops.