John B. Alexander
Credit: Las Vegas Informer

The announcement of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords was a defining moment with implications far greater than most people imagine. Many observers rightfully have argued that the action was emblematic of America’s abdication of global leadership, a position incontestably held since the end of World War II. Possibly more significant was the response from various institutions, both governmental and private, that diminished national authority. Those activities included states and local governments pledging to abide by the agreement. Consider that California signed a separate agreement with China regarding the environment. Major companies and civic groups also promised support for such actions.

Of equal importance, signing of the Accords was the first time so many countries have come together and agreed to take action on any subject. That concordance alone was worthy of American support. Trump’s stated rationale for American withdrawal was a litany of lies and […]

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