Energy Department Closes Office Working on Climate Change Abroad

Stephan:  Further regressive behavior on the part of the Trump Administration. Day-to-day, hour-by-hour this group of Republican zombies  are diminishing America's stature and standing in the world, abdicating world leadership, and actively threatening the wellbeing of humanity. Even more alarming most of the people who voted for Trump and a Republican congress continue to think everything is A-OK.

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, third from right, snaps a picture with other energy ministers at an international clean energy conference in Beijing last week.
Credit Ng Han Guan/AP

WASHINGTON — The Energy Department is closing an office that works with other countries to develop clean energy technology, another sign of the Trump administration’s retreat on climate-related activities after its withdrawal from the Paris agreement this month. (emphasis added)

The 11 staff members of the Office of International Climate and Technology were told this month that their positions were being eliminated, according to current and former agency employees. The office was formed in 2010 to help the United States provide technical advice to other nations seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The small office also played a lead role preparing for the annual Clean Energy Ministerial, a forum in which the United States, China, India and other countries shared insights on how best to promote energy efficiency, Read the Full Article

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Why Are Atheists Generally Smarter Than Religious People?

Stephan:  This report helps explain how the Theocratic Right is able to live in a fact-free alternative reality. The study was published May 16 in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science. Citation: Dutton, E. & Van der Linden, D. Evolutionary Psychological Science (2017). doi:10.1007/s40806-017-0101-0

Credit: Salon/Shutterstock

For more than a millennium, scholars have noticed a curious correlation: Atheists tend to be more intelligent than religious people.

It’s unclear why this trend persists, but researchers of a new study have an idea: Religion is an instinct, they say, and people who can rise above instincts are more intelligent than those who rely on them. (emphasis added)

“Intelligence — in rationally solving problems — can be understood as involving overcoming instinct and being intellectually curious and thus open to non-instinctive possibilities,” study lead author Edward Dutton, a research fellow at the Ulster Institute for Social Research in the United Kingdom, said in a statement. [Saint or Spiritual Slacker? Test Your Religious Knowledge]

Smart cookie

In classical Greece and Rome, it was widely remarked that “fools” tended to be religious, while the “wise” were often skeptics, Dutton and his co-author, Dimitri Van der Linden, an assistant professor of psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands, wrote in the study.

The ancients weren’t the only ones to notice this association. Scientists ran a meta-analysis of […]

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Paris Exit Was ‘Victory Paid and Carried Out’ by Republican Party for the Koch Brothers

Stephan:  The corruption of the American government at the Congressional level is just unbelievable. It puts a banana republic to shame. It is blatant and, thanks to Citizens United, entirely legal. Here is an example of what I mean.

Charles and David Koch – The Koch Brothers Charles de Ganahl Koch and David Hamilton Koch are the notorious Koch Bothers. The brothers own Koch Industries and are major benefactors for organizations and candidates involved in pushing radical Republican policies. The Koch Brothers use their immense wealth to cast a shadow on American government at all levels and form it to their own design. Your vote has value to the Koch Brothers Would billionaires spend millions to influence your vote if it had no value? The U.S. Map is adapted from a Creative Commons licensed image available via Wikimedia. The caricatures of Charles and David Koch are an original paintings in Photoshop.
Credit: DonkeyHotey/Flickr

The 22 Republican senators who recently sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement received more than $10 million dollars in campaign funds from fossil fuel interests.

The two-page letter was signed by a number of Republican heavyweights from coal/gas/oil-rich states, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Jim Inhofe of […]

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Degradation Of The Nation-State Concept

Stephan:  John Alexander is one of the few commentators to really grasp what I personally think is one of the critical although little discussed meta-trends shaping the future: the transfer of real power from the nation state to the virtual corporate state and the uber-rich. It is an essential part of the Neo-feudalism Trend.  Here's his thinking.

John B. Alexander
Credit: Las Vegas Informer

The announcement of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords was a defining moment with implications far greater than most people imagine. Many observers rightfully have argued that the action was emblematic of America’s abdication of global leadership, a position incontestably held since the end of World War II. Possibly more significant was the response from various institutions, both governmental and private, that diminished national authority. Those activities included states and local governments pledging to abide by the agreement. Consider that California signed a separate agreement with China regarding the environment. Major companies and civic groups also promised support for such actions.

Of equal importance, signing of the Accords was the first time so many countries have come together and agreed to take action on any subject. That concordance alone was worthy of American support. Trump’s stated rationale for American withdrawal was a litany of lies […]

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These are the people who suffered when Kansas’s conservative experiment failed

Stephan:  Republican economic theory, as it has played out in Kansas, has been shown to be conceptual nonsense and an utter failure. But it's not just an abstraction. Actual human lives were trashed by this Republican nonsense. Here's a window into that truth.


Jaiden Emmons, Elizabeth Baker and Suzan Emmons stand in their kitchen in Iola, a small town in southeastern Kansas. 
CREDIT:Ana Swanson/The Washington Post

IOLA, KANSAS — Suzan Emmons has done the most she can for the girls. Her small green house has bunnies in the back yard, class pictures proudly displayed on the living room wall, food in the refrigerator. She has scrimped from her annual salary of $14,000 to pay for one dance class each: tap for Elizabeth, jazz for Jaiden.

But far-off political decisions have made the haven that Emmons built for them more precarious.

Five years ago, she rescued Jaiden, her granddaughter, and Elizabeth, her granddaughter’s half sister, from a dangerous home. Today, she doesn’t make enough money to qualify for health insurance subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. She would qualify for Medicaid under Obamacare’s proposed expansion of the program, but because the Kansas governor turned down federal funds for that expansion, she doesn’t qualify there either, leaving her unable to afford insurance coverage.

Meanwhile, dramatic funding cuts at the state levels […]

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