Sajwani’s Instagram account posted a picture Tuesday night showing him with Trump, who now runs the Trump Organization with his brother Eric, at a table covered in a spread of Middle Eastern food and a […]
Adam Gabbatt , - The Guardian (U.K.)
Stephan: In my view Bernie Sanders is accurately describing what I see as a very alarming trend: the failure of the Democratic Party to respond appropriately to a strong collective intention to make wellbeing the first priority. You would think that with the Canadian election, Macron's election in France, the just completed U.K. election, and what's going on in the Nordic countries this meta-trend would be the obvious way to go. The Clinton corporatism, the debasement of the party as "Republican light" needs to end.
Forget about politics; just look at wellness. Sanders is right.
Vermont Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders Credit: Brian Snyder/Reuters
CHICAGO — Bernie Sanders has criticised the Democratic party’s current direction as “an absolute failure” in a speech at the People’s Summit in Chicago.
Speaking to a crowd of 4,000 activists, Sanders hailed the “enormous progress in advancing the progressive agenda”, saying the increasing House and Senate support for a $15 minimum wage and the opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership showed the success of the movement.
But the Vermont senator said that establishment Democrats were standing in the way of further progress.
“The current model and the current strategy of the Democratic party is an absolute failure,” Sanders said.
“The Democratic party needs fundamental change. What it needs is to open up its doors to working people, and young people, and older people who are prepared to fight for social and economic justice.
“The Democratic party must understand what side it is on. And that cannot be the side of Wall Street, or the fossil fuel industry, or the […]
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Stephan: This is such a ghastly mistake. America's bizarre behavior towards Cuba was finally beginning to pass like a fever to the benefit of all, and now Trump wants to go back in time. It's a mad king kind of action. I just came back from teaching in the Bahamas where I learned that the cruise lines are wild to start calling in Cuba. One of the cruise companies has already notified the Bahamian government they are going to stop calling at Nassau, and go to Cuba instead. There is so much pent up energy on both sides that strangling it is an extraordinary act of self-sabotage.
President Obama and President Raul Castro
President Donald Trump will reportedly announce his new Cuba policy Friday in Miami, which may reverse some of Barack Obama’s attempts to improve America’s decades-long hostile relationship with its neighbor.
The Obama administration secretly began the process of normalizing relations between the two nations before an official announcement was made in late 2014. The easing of the U.S. embargo led to increased U.S. investment and tourism on the island. More hotels opened, daily flights began operating, and U.S. companies invested in Cuban agriculture projects.
U.S. tourism to Cuba has more than tripled since 2014.
But Trump is now reportedly considering banning business with the Cuban military and clamping down on travel to Cuba while maintaining the diplomatic relations restored by Obama. While Trump has been quiet on Cuba since taking office — though the plan to reverse Cuba policy has reportedly been set for some time, the administration has had its implementation repeatedly delayed by more pressing matters — he periodically talked tough on Cuba on […]
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