How Illinois became America’s failed state

Stephan:  In Kansas the failure of Republican Governor Sam Brownback and his Republican legislature is a purely Republican affair. In Illinois it is more complicated because Democratic blockheadedness is part of the problem. However, as this report lays out, it is mostly the Republican governor's economic fantasies that are  at the root of the problem. Republican economics is nonsense, as state after state has proven.

Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner.

Illinois has compiled $14.6 billion in unpaid bills. It’s running a deficit of $6 billion and its pension liability has soared to $130 billion.

That’s not the worst of it. The state’s nearly two-year failure to pass a budget has sent its bond ratings careening toward junk level, downgraded a staggering eight notches below most other states.

With university enrollments plummeting, large-scale social service agencies shuttering and the Chicago Public Schools forced to borrow just to stay open through the end of this school year, Illinois is beginning to devolve into something like a banana republic — and it’s about to have the most expensive election the state has ever seen.

Democrats have flooded the primary to challenge GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner, with billionaire J.B. Pritzker among them. Pritzker has already poured $14 million into his campaign for a general election that’s still 15 months away.

“Illinois is operating in a way 49 other states would never try to operate,” said Laurence Msall, president of the Civic Federation, a non-partisan […]

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A climate chain reaction: Major Greenland melting could devastate crops in Africa

Stephan:  While Trump and his Republican zombie minions continue to think climate change is a hoax, or not a big deal, people who actually know how to think, and have the balls to stand up for humanity and the planet are in a state of crisis. All life is interconnected and interdependent. Here's what this looks like in the real world. Note the references to the migrations I have predicting for over a decade.

Melting Greenland Ice Sheet

As melting Greenland glaciers continue to pour ice into the Arctic Ocean, we have more than the rising seas to worry about, scientists say. A new study suggests that if it gets large enough, the influx of freshwater from the melting ice sheet could disrupt the flow of a major ocean current system, which in turn could dry out Africa’s Sahel, a narrow region of land stretching from Mauritania in the west to Sudan in the east.

The consequence could be devastating agricultural losses as the area’s climate shifts. And in the most severe scenarios, tens of millions of people could be forced to migrate from the area.

“The implications, when expressed in terms of vulnerability of the population in the region are really dramatic and bring home just how sensitive livelihoods are in this region to climatic change,” said Christopher Taylor, a meteorologist at the Center for Ecology and Hydrology in the United Kingdom and an expert on the West African climate, who was not involved with the new research.

The study, published Monday in the journal Proceedings of […]

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Kansas Just Reversed Its Disastrous Tax Cuts. Donald Trump Wants to Repeat Them.

Stephan:  If you have been reading SR regularly you know that I have been covering "the economic experiment" of Kansas Republican governor Sam Brownback since he was inaugurated.  Brownback campaigned on, and was very clear that if elected he was going to put Republican economic theory into practice aided by a Republican legislature. And they did just that. This matters not only because the states are laboratories to test social policies but, also, because Donald Trump and Paul Ryan are trying to implement basically the same policies for the country as a whole, once again with the assistance of a Republican congress. Well, the report card is in, and it shows that Republican economics are toxic nonsense that destroy social wellbeing. It has gotten so bad in Kansas that even the Republicans in the state's legislature have had enough. Here's the story, and it is a cautionary tale. Will Ryan and Trump learn for the Kansas disaster? I doubt it.  

Kansas Republican Governor Sam Brownback

Thanks to the state of Kansas, we now get to find out whether Republicans are capable of learning from their failures.

On Tuesday, lawmakers in Topeka finally ended their costly misadventure in supply-side economics, when the GOP-dominated Legislature voted by wide margins to override a veto by Gov. Sam Brownback and reverse the massive tax cuts he championed in 2012. Kansas has faced chronic budget deficits and struggled with disappointing job growth during the half-decade since Brownback signed the reductions into law—a grinding fiscal disaster that turned the state into a poster child for conservative policy thinking gone awry and gradually stirred a rebellion among members of the governor’s own party. They were finally spurred to act by a $900 million, two-year shortfall, as well as a Kansas Supreme Court ruling that ordered the state to revamp the spending formula for its […]

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The most important Comey takeaway is that congressional Republicans don’t care

Stephan:  I haven't spent much of SR's space covering the Comey event because every journalist and his third cousin is covering the story wall-to-wall. But I am running this piece because it exactly reflects my view of what is most notable to me about his testimony; something that isn't getting properly discussed. I am speaking here of the abject moral failure of the Republican Party to put the country first. Why is this happening? In my view, the Republican zombies feel they can get away with this because the truth is most of the people who supported Trump and the party still support him and them, so the zombies feel there is no political price to pay. This is not only a crisis of moral turpitude on the part of senators and representatives but of a large cohort of the American people. America is in real trouble.

Paul Ryan, as speaker of the House of Representatives, is the leader of his party’s caucus in the lower chamber. He’s also a constitutional officer of the United States, with obligations to the Congress and the country that transcend party. Here is his take on former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony that President Donald Trump repeatedly sought to intervene in an ongoing criminal investigation in an inappropriate way: “He’s just new to this.” Ryan told reporters on Thursday that he “probably wasn’t steeped in long-running protocols.”

 James Lankford, a senator from Oklahoma who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, described Trump’s intervention in the Flynn matter as a “light touch.”

Meanwhile, virtually every Republican celebrated the news that, at the time Comey was still in office, Trump was not personally under investigation from the FBI.

This is part of an ongoing process of Republicans lowering the bar for Trump’s statements and conduct in a way that is both nonsensical and dangerous. The president of the United States is not supposed to interfere in criminal investigations. There’s no “he only did it with a light touch” or “it was to help out a buddy, not himself […]

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The Kids are Alt-Right

Stephan:  This story should send shivers down your spine. We have become a nation in which a large percentage of citizens are cultivating hate, and are perfectly O.K. with that, even when their children begin to espouse it.

Donald Trump’s campaign and election have added an alarming twist to school bullying, with white students using the president’s words and slogans to bully Latino, Middle Eastern, black, Asian, and Jewish classmates. In the first comprehensive review of post-election bullying, BuzzFeed News has confirmed more than 50 incidents, across 26 states, in which a K-12 student invoked Trump’s name or message in an apparent effort to harass a classmate during the past school year.

In the parking lot of a high school in Shakopee, Minnesota, boys in Donald Trump shirts gathered around a black teenage girl and sang a portion of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” replacing the closing line with “and the home of the slaves.” On a playground at an elementary school in Albuquerque, New Mexico, third-graders surrounded a boy and chanted “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

On a school bus in San Antonio, Texas, a white eighth-grader said to a Filipino classmate, “You are going to be deported.” In a classroom in Brea, California, a white eighth-grader told a black classmate, “Now that Trump […]

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