EU to bypass Trump administration after Paris climate agreement pullout

Stephan:  The world goes on, it just isn't going to be led by America. Donald Trump and the cowards of the Republican congress have seen to that.

Chinese premier Li Keqiang (right) with European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. Both spoke of a commitment to tackling global warming. Credit: Francois Lenoir/Reuters

The European Union has rejected Donald Trump’s offer to renegotiate the Paris climate agreement and pledged instead to bypass Washington to work with US business leaders and state governors to implement the historic accord’s commitments.

Less than 24 hours after the US president announced his decision to withdraw from the 2015 agreement and strike a new, less ambitious deal with the rest of the world, Brussels declared its outright refusal to engage in such talks.

EU officials will instead cut out the White House to deal directly with the US states and major corporations, many of whom have already pledged to live by the terms forged in Paris.

In Britain, Theresa May faced criticism for not signing up to a joint declaration by Germany, France and Italy in opposition to the US move. A Downing Street source defended the prime minister, pointing […]

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The Whole Republican Party Is Shoring Up Trump’s Delusions

Stephan:  In my view what the Trump Administration is doing is only made possible because of the moral cowardice and greed for power of the Republican congress, whose members cannot seem to find the grit to put their country first. This essay presents a perspective worth considering.

Republican congress members

It should come as no surprise to anyone, but the administration is waging a more vigorous war against reality and oversight than Karl Rove ever thought of waging. For example, from Tiger Beat On The Potomac, we learn of the latest attempt to keep the president*’s delicate mellow unharshed.

At meetings with top officials for various government departments this spring, Uttam Dhillon, a White House lawyer, told agencies not to cooperate with such requests from Democrats, according to Republican sources inside and outside the administration. It appears to be a formalization of a practice that had already taken hold, as Democrats have complained that their oversight letters requesting information from agencies have gone unanswered since January, and the Trump administration has not yet explained the rationale. The declaration amounts to a new level of partisanship in Washington, where the president and his administration already feels besieged by media reports and attacks from Democrats. The idea, Republicans said, is to choke off the […]

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China is the winner from Trump’s climate own goal

Stephan:  You can feel the pieces moving on the board; I was not kidding when I said yesterday that we woke up in one country and went to bed in another. The Paris Accord at one level was a theater of ritual. But rituals are powerful precisely because of their symbolism, and the power people invest in them. The Republican Party and its creature Donald Trump are themselves the expression of the fear, rage, hate, and loss of moral compass of a large segment of the American people. The only way we are going to change this is by individual consciousness and action. It is our beingness and our collective intention to foster wellbeing at every level that is the only way out of the maze. Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

Chinese President Xi Jinping

It’s not hard to imagine Chinese President Xi Jinping having a wry smile at both the decision by Donald Trump to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord and the global reaction.

While President Trump’s decision had been expected, it does confirm that world leadership on efforts to limit global climate change will now shift to Asia, and China in particular.

Xi is now free to accept the mantle of global leadership on climate action, which will give him an opportunity to advance China’s interests across the world at a time when Trump’s actions are likely to cost the United States influence and allies.

The best part for Xi is that this hasn’t cost him anything, Trump has done the damage to the United States all by himself, and is most likely unaware or uncaring of the likely consequences, which go well beyond the blow to the image of the United States as a global leader.

It’s been a good past few weeks for Xi, given the successful hosting of a regional summit in […]

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What if Donald Trump doesn’t matter?

Stephan:  Here is the truth of it.

U.S. President Donald Trump refers to amounts of temperature change as he announces his decision that the United States will withdraw from the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, U.S., June 1, 2017. Credit: Reuters/Joshua Roberts


US President Donald Trump stood at a podium in the White House Rose Garden on Thursday afternoon and gave a 2,000-word speech about exiting the world’s most important climate change agreement without actually mentioning “climate change.”

Trump said the Paris Agreement is “draconian” — but it’s voluntary.
He said it won’t meaningfully slow the rise in global temperatures — but it will.
And he said it would cost the United States jobs — when the opposite is likely true.
Meanwhile, in Antarctica, a crack in the Larsen C ice shelf is growing by 11 miles just this week. The crack is only 8 miles from the edge, and it […]

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Fact-checking Donald Trump’s statement withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement

Stephan:  Today we witnessed the United States cede world leadership to China and Europe, particularly Germany. The geopolitical and economic implications of Trump's, in my opinion, incredibly ill-advised and retrogressive decision  will ripple out for decades. You go to bed tonight in a different world than the one in which you woke up. The other thing that stood out for me were all the lies and misstatements about facts that pervaded his speech. I find it amazing that we have a President who is a compulsive liar and mis-representer, and that this has become "normalized" because it is so consistent it is what people have come to expect. Think about that for a minute. Here is a fact checking assessment of the Trump speech. As I have considered the Trump decision, I think one major effect it will have in the U.S. is to exacerbate the Great Schism Trend. The Republican Party simply lacks the moral integrity to do anything meaningful to challenge Trump so I think we will see Blue states and many corporations just ignore Trump and continue planning for a non-carbon energy world, while the plantation economies of many Red states will embrace Trump.

Credit: CNBC

President Donald Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the Paris accord on climate change. All but two countries signed the agreement. But Trump said the deal puts the United States at a disadvantage.

“The United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord,” Trump said June 1, 2017, “but begin negotiations to re-enter either the Paris accord or an entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States.”

The Paris accord had several ambitious goals. Signatories agreed to do their part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep the world’s temperature to just 1.5 degrees Celsius above what it was before industrial production took root.

Each country set its own targets, with reductions to begin in 2020. By mid century, the goal would be zero greenhouse gas emissions.

President Barack Obama had pledged to reduce emissions by 26 percent to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025.

Wealthy nations agreed to provide $100 million a year to help developing countries move away from fossil fuels and use more renewable power supplies.

We reviewed […]

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