The entrance to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Credit Spencer Lowell for The New York Times
It was a freakishly warm evening last October when a maintenance worker first discovered the water — torrents of it, rushing into the entrance tunnel of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a storage facility dug some 400 feet into the side of a mountain on a Norwegian island near the North Pole. A storm was dumping rain at a time of year when the temperature was usually well below freezing; because the water had short-circuited the electrical system, the electric pumps on site were useless. This subterranean safe house holds more than 5,000 species of essential food crops, including hundreds of thousands of varieties of wheat and rice. It was supposed to be an impenetrable, modern-day Noah’s ark for plants, a life raft against climate change and catastrophe. Local firefighters helped pump out the tunnel until the temperature dropped and the water froze. Townspeople from the village at […]
I di not know there were so many locations worldwide doing this preservation of species. They should all be very proud of their accomplishments; I sure am. We are decimating the planet and may even need to establish these species on some other planet someday, if we could find a suitable one. At least we have preserved some of the valuable resources necessary to restore our own planet after the warmongers get through destroying much of it. These items are worth more than gold to an scientifically educated person.
Ever since trump was elected, I’ve been hearing more and more about the folks in our country that do not believe in science or education.
This unique precious home of ours is in big trouble and if Mother Nature gives us a second chance, it will be the scientists and educators that lead the way.