Iowa Planned Parenthood Center
When Phoebe McNeece showed up at the community health center in her small town in Southeast Iowa a few days after New Years 2012, the last thing she wanted to hear was that she was pregnant. Uninsured and unable to afford her medication, she was becoming increasingly anxious and depressed. She was struggling to keep her job, which meant she was behind on the mortgage on the little house she’d bought three years prior. And now, here she was, telling this doctor that she really hoped that home test she had taken was just a false positive.
A few minutes later, he came back into the exam room—”Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” he said. Phoebe broke down in tears, the sobs wracking her body.
“Stop crying, stop crying,” Phoebe remembers the doctor saying, his hand on her shoulder. “This is a good thing. This is what you were put on earth to do.”

These “Theocratic Right” people obviously do not understand their own bible, and the true meaning of the overall concept of what it means to be a Christian and I do not know how they can call themselves Christians.
What they worship is closer to a hybrid of Cthulhu and Mammon than anything Jesus ever referenced. Maybe people who actually care about what Jesus taught and consider themselves Christians should start loudly and incessantly denouncing these frauds.