Credit: Quora
When I was a young kid growing up in Montreal, our annual family trips to my grandparents’ Florida condo in the 1970s and ‘80s offered glimpses of a better life. Not just Bubbie and Zadie’s miniature, sun-bronzed world of Del Boca Vista, but the whole sprawling infrastructural colossus of Cold War America itself, with its famed interstate highway system and suburban sprawl. Many Canadians then saw themselves as America’s poor cousins, and our inferiority complex asserted itself the moment we got off the plane.
Decades later, the United States presents visitors from the north with a different impression. There hasn’t been a new major airport constructed in the United States since 1995. And the existing stock of terminals is badly in need of upgrades. Much of the surrounding road and rail infrastructure is in even worse shape (the trip from LaGuardia Airport to midtown Manhattan being particularly appalling). Washington, D.C.’s semi-functional subway system feels like a World’s Fair exhibit that someone forgot to close down. Detroit’s 90-year-old Ambassador Bridge—which carries close to […]
since the “Clintons” reared their ugly heads, the U.S.A. has been going downhill. Long before that, Eisenhower warned us about ‘Military- Industrial Complex.’ The creation of the E.U.,
the “rise” of China, etc., all contributed to the destruction of the U.S. My interests are MUSIC, archaeology, history, etc. I was born and raised in England, moved to Canada in my teens, and moved to Los Angeles in the 1970’s. I had NEVER been interested in politics. But in 2016, things had become DANGEROUS. George Soros and Globalism, Rothschild/Rockefeller
‘New World Order” – It’s not the place to have a lengthy “political discussion” – but having lived
in Canada and known Margaret Trudeau – even tho Pierre Trudeau was not “my type”, there
was something about HIM. He was driven, and definitely “different” – and sincere, I believe,
when it came to Canada. In the 60’s he diffused the ‘FLQ’ situation – “The Federation Liberation Quebecois” in which Quebec attempted to separate from Canada.
But his son is a totally different ‘kettle of fish’. Say no more – say no more…