Bankers are increasingly anxious that Brexit will end badly and force them to carry out their costly relocation plans.
Credit: AP
Nord Anglia International School Dublin is not even scheduled to open until September 2018, but its slots are already going fast thanks to some of the wealthiest foreigners in the region: American bankers.
Three U.S. banks operating in London have contacted the school in Ireland about the prospect of enrolling their employees’ children. One bank this month asked for 50 slots — which go for an average of 20,000 euros, or $23,000, a pop, said project manager David Quigley.
Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has left American banks in London scrambling to implement contingency plans to relocate to the continent so they can continue to serve clients there. Trouble is, many bankers are reluctant to leave what has long been Europe’s uncontested financial capital.
While the Brexit negotiations between the U.K. and EU only began last month, the banks are initiating plans to move thousands of jobs out of London even […]