Donald Trump and Pat Robertson, one of the fathers of the Christofascist worldview.
Donald Trump’s ideological vacuum, the more he is isolated and attacked, is being filled by the Christian right. This Christianized fascism, with its network of megachurches, schools, universities and law schools and its vast radio and television empire, is a potent ally for a beleaguered White House. The Christian right has been organizing and preparing to take power for decades. If the nation suffers another economic collapse, which is probably inevitable, another catastrophic domestic terrorist attack or a new war, President Trump’s ability to force the Christian right’s agenda on the public and shut down dissent will be dramatically enhanced. In the presidential election, Trump had 81 percentof white evangelicals behind him.
Trump’s moves to restrict abortion, defund Planned Parenthood, permit discrimination against LGBT people in the name of “religious liberty” and allow churches to become active in politics by gutting the Johnson Amendment, along with his nominations of judges championed by the Federalist Societyand his call for a ban on […]
Hedges says ‘If we do not act, American fascists, clutching Christian crosses,’. How do I fight such god fearing good people without a whole lot of people thinking I am the grinch?
Now I know how liberal Muslims feel in Saudi Arabia…..
Can one be against ‘Christians’ and still be a good American? They love to brand everybody as unpatriotic.