Alliance For Natural Health Staff, - Health Impact News
Stephan: Is this an overstatement, or is it the trend line? The evidence is not definitive, but it is highly suggestive. Are we taking it seriously? No. It's too profitable, and human health is a secondary consideration in the U.S.. these days.
Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.
For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
At a [recent] conference, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.
A fellow panelist reported that after Dr. Seneff’s presentation, “All of the 70 or so […]
Stephan: I'm not quite sure what it is going to take to shake us out of our seemingly invincible unwillingness to realize that our society has the wrong values. That a healthy society cannot be built on profit as the first priority. We are not thriving, even our sperm know that.
low sperm count
A study created by a team of international scientists and published by Human Reproduction Update finds that sperm counts in males in the Western world may have dropped by over half in the last 40 years.
A survey of surveys, the report brought together over 185 studies conducted between 1973 and 2011, creating a compendium of tests of 43,000 males. By highlighting results from “Western” countries — including New Zealand, Australia and other developed nations with strong European heritages — researchers found that sperm counts fell from 99 million per ml in 1973 to 47.1 million per ml in 2011 within the relevant age cohort. That’s a decline of 52.4 percent or 1.4 percent every year.
Most interestingly, this precipitous decline was not found in non-Western nations or the developing world — though the authors acknowledged that lack of robust and broad testing in those areas may have skewed their results.
It’s a dramatic finding that highlights an ongoing trend that researchers and fertility experts have amplified repeatedly over the last […]
Stephan: Homo Superior becomes more real. This trend is moving forward very quickly.
The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland, Oregon, Technology Review has learned.
The effort, led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health and Science University, involved changing the DNA of a large number of one-cell embryos with the gene-editing technique CRISPR, according to people familiar with the scientific results.
Until now, American scientists have watched with a combination of awe, envy, and some alarm as scientists elsewhere were first to explore the controversial practice. To date, three previous reports of editing human embryos were all published by scientists in China.
Now Mitalipov is believed to have broken new ground both in the number of embryos experimented upon and by demonstrating that it is possible to safely and efficiently correct defective genes that cause inherited diseases.
Although none of the embryos were allowed to develop for more than a few days—and there was never any intention of implanting them into a womb—the experiments are a milestone on what may prove to be an inevitable journey toward the birth of the first genetically modified humans.
Stephan: When I began to travel I worked for National Geographic. One of the things you always checked before you went to another country was whether you could drink the water safely. I confess, I never thought I would run a story like this about the United States, and over the last months I have had to run several as this trend is playing out. Here is the latest data. It is not promising. This report is telling us something very important about the wellbeing of our country. Yet few seem to be listening.
More than 4 million Americans live in places where contaminants in drinking water exceed a legal limit—and poor, rural areas are often more affected than wealthy, urban and suburban ones. Those are some of the key takeaways from a new database that the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released today.
“We’re seeing a lot of problems in places that are more rural and lower income.”
The database pulls about 30 million records from 2010-2015, mostly from state agencies. With the handy tool, you can enter your zip code and get a report on the contaminants that flow from your tap.
Although EWG has not yet analyzed all the data it collected according to demographics, it did find some preliminary patterns. “We’re seeing a lot of problems in places that are more rural and lower income,” said Bill Walker, vice president and managing editor of EWG. Walker emphasized that agriculture is one of the biggest pollutants of drinking water in the country and that, while pesticides and fertilizers are used in many places, toxic runoff from these pollutants are found at higher readings in rural communities.
Incidents of farm pollution in drinking water, according to news reports, across the […]
Jack Jenkins, Senior Religion Reporter - Think Progress
Stephan: With almost no attention from the media to let people know -- did you know this happened? -- the Christofascists are attempting to further breach the wall separating church and state which will increase the corruption of American politics, and increase their power in politics..
If you agree with me that this is not a good trend please do me the favor of contacting your representative and tell them you oppose this.
Trumps signs bill breaching separation of church and state Credit: AP/Evan Vucci
With media attention focused on the national debate raging over health care, it would be easy to ignore the spending bill quietly making its way through the House of Representatives. Such proposals often dwell in the largely mundane machinations of the federal government, and technical disputes over its complicated provisions can fly under the radar.
But if you care about the separation of church and state, this year’s bill might be worth paying attention to.
Tucked deep inside more than 200 pages of text is a tiny provision, recently added by the House Appropriations Committee, designed to defang the so-called Johnson Amendment — a section of the tax code that bars churches (a broad legal term that includes most faith groups) and other tax-exempt nonprofits from explicitly endorsing political candidates.
In its current form, the bill would effectively defund attempts by […]