Tom Horn: Trump Is Leading The Fight Against The Occult And The Rise Of The Antichrist

Stephan:  If you are not part of the Christofascist world, I think most people really don't get that from that religious world view America is engaged in a battle of light and dark, God on one side, and the devil and his demons on the other.  This is not a political battle so much as a Biblical one. Here is a prominent leader of that community making the case.

Pastor Tim Horn

Yesterday, Jim Bakker interviewed Donald Trump-loving End Times pastor Tom Horn, who declaredthat a recent Time magazine cover featuring an image of President Trump leaning against a crumbling Washington Monument was a prophetic sign that Trump is leading the fight against occultism in America.

After Bakker voiced his concerns that Trump is under constant attack from the occult, Horn explained that Trump’s election was God delivering America from a dark spirit of witchcraft and “the supernaturalism that has been at work behind the scenes.”

Horn said that America, since its inception, has been under the control of the occult and that the Founding Fathers actually prophesied “a coming global leader … that is going to lead the United States into a new world order,” who Horn asserted would be the Antichrist.

But the Time cover, he said, was a prophetic sign that Trump is leading that battle against this coming supernatural darkness.

“Did you see what Time magazine did?” he asked. “In their feature article on Trump called ‘Trump Goes To War Against Washington, D.C.,’ it’s a giant […]

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Trump Bans Transgender People Serving in the Military

Stephan:  Trump who is being increasingly backed into a corner is basically supported by only one demographic in the U.S., the Christofascist cult. To maintain their support he has to serve their neuroses. One of the hallmarks of this group is its sexual dysfunctionality, and its obsession with what other people are doing with their genitals -- perhaps because they are so insecure about what they are doing with their own. In any case we are now witnessing something I never thought I would see in the United States. We are taking away people's rights, and precluding a class of individuals from serving in the military, and literally throwing out thousands of transgender people already serving.  Transgender people, by the way, serve at a higher proportional rate than any other demographic. All of this, of course is based not on science, or any of the reasons Trump advances. He says his decision is based on financial issues. That is complete BS.  Consider:  the military spends multiples more on Viagra than on transgender medical treatments. Or how about this: we taxpayers have spent three times more ferrying Trump back and forth from his Florida estate in just seven months than was spent on transgender medical costs over the entire last year.  The truth is this is an attempt to push the Russian inquiries off center stage and, at the same time, to satisfy  the sexual issues of the Christofascist cult. To keep them loyal. It is scumbaggery at a level I have never before seen in the U.S. We are becoming a very strange caricature of the America we once were.  

Transgender troop
Credit: Rand Corp.

President Donald Trump announced Wednesday a ban on transgender people serving in the military, reversing U.S. policy in a series of tweets. (emphasis added)

“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming…..victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you,” Trump wrote in a trio of consecutive tweets.

The abrupt policy shift will affect thousands of transgender troops in the military.

Trump’s announcement came just over a year after former President Barack Obama’s then-Secretary of Defense Ash Carter lifted a ban on transgender military service — a move that allowed active-duty troops to come out of the closet as transgender people.

In the year since the ban was repealed, roughly 250 service members have applied to change their gender in the military’s personnel system, […]

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Sessions’ DOJ argues gay people aren’t protected from discrimination under Title VII

Stephan:  Attorney General Jeff sessions has a long history of association with the Christofascists and is now serving the interests of that cult with its disordered and dysfunctional sexuality. It seems under the Trump administration we are going back to the 1950s with its hate, racism, and sexism.

Republican Attorney General Jeff Sessions

The U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday argued that Title VII of the CivilRights Act of 1964 doesn’t protect gay workers from discrimination, Buzzfeed reports. (emphasis added)

 The Justice Department, which is not named as a party in the case, filed an amicus brief with the US Court of Appeals to argue Title VII “does not” ban discrimination based on sexual orientation.

“The sole question here is whether, as a matter of law, Title VII reaches sexual orientation discrimination. It does not, as has been settled for decades,” the Justice Department’s brief says.

“Any efforts to amend Title VII’s scope should be directed to Congress rather than the courts,” the brief—filed under Attorney General Jeff Sessions—reads.

The brief was submitted in the case Zarda v. Altitude Express, filed in 2010 by skydiving instructor Donald Zarda (since deceased) who alleged his employer discriminated against him because of his sexual orientation. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission supported Zarda last month, but the DOJ argued the federal agency “is not speaking for the United States.”

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China Is Adding Solar Power at a Record Pace

Stephan:  While the United States is in the process under the Trump administration of destroying its civil rights leadership and committing to continued support for carbon energy China is moving in the opposite direction and is now the world's leader on the advancement of solar. It is China not the United States that is creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, and trillions of dollars of business. Here is the latest.

China is building 27 large solar installations in the image of its iconic pandas.

China, the world’s biggest investor in clean energy, is on pace to install record amounts of new solar this year after adding 24 gigawatts of capacity in the first half amid a push by policy makers to locate electricity production near the point where it’s used.

Distributed solar-power projects — the kind of solar found on industrial buildings, malls and schools — accounted for almost a third of the new installations in the period, or 7 gigawatts, Xing Yiteng, deputy section chief in the new energy division at the National Energy Administration, said Wednesday at a conference in Beijing.

Should China maintain the first half’s torrid pace of installations, the country would easily surpass the roughly 30 gigawatts of new solar capacity it added in 2016. The continued expansion also extends China’s lead as the largest market […]

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China is making Iran a hub in its global infrastructure project

Stephan:  Historians, in my opinion, are going to describe the Trump Administration as notable for the collapse of American leadership. We are being so badly outplayed by the Chinese, for instance, that I am amazed it is creating so little discussion in the media. Here, in this report, you see the Chinese government planning decades ahead while the Trump administration is fondling the Christofascists for immediate gratification. I think it is pretty clear at this point that China is becoming the world's leader nation. As you read this story just think about its implications in nations across the world. Note particularly the place of Iran in China's plans.

The blue dashes are the projected Chinese Maritime Silk Road. The red dashes are the proposed railroad Silk Road being built. Data: Xinhua; Map: Andrew Witherspoon / Axios

China is building and upgrading railroads in the west and east of Iran, making the Persian Gulf nation the centerpiece of an enormous transportation-and-energy latticework connecting much of the global economy, per the NYT.

Why this is a big deal: In the same way that Britain ruled its 19th century empire through a far-flung navy, and the U.S. has done so through its trade deals and its own big naval ships, Beijing is preparing for the day years from now when it may be the premier global power. Its vehicle is an infrastructural Pax Sinica, what it calls “One Belt, One Road.”

In western Iran, the work is linking Iran with Afghanistan and Central Asia, the oil-rich former Soviet region. In eastern Iran, similar work is connecting the country to Turkey, and from there to Europe. China already has roads, […]

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