Donald Trump smiles at a Heritage Foundation event. The conservative thinktank, along with the Federalist Society, wields huge influence over Trump’s judicial appointments.
Credit: Mandel Ngan/AFP
Donald Trump has sustained more than his fair share of political losses during the first 10 months of his presidency, mostly at the hands of the federal courts.
It was the federal courts that struck down his “Muslim travel ban” on threeseparate occasions, that blocked his ban on trans people in the military and that did the same to his attempt to defund so-called sanctuary cities.
But the makeup of America’s judges is quietly becoming the site of one of Trump’s most unequivocal successes: nominating and installing judges who reflect his own worldview at a speed and volume unseen in recent memory. Trump could conceivably have handpicked more than 30% of the nation’s federal judges before the end of his first term, his advisers […]
How about we just end the state, instead of fighting about which kind.