- Four in 10 U.S. adults (41%) say they lack the time to do all they want
- A similar proportion (44%) frequently feel stressed
WASHINGTON, D.C. — About eight in 10 Americans say they frequently (44%) or sometimes (35%) encounter stress in their daily lives. Just 17% say they rarely feel stressed, while 4% say they never do.
Although stress is common, just 41% of U.S. adults say, in answer to a different question, that they lack the time they need to do things they want. The majority, 59%, tend to think they dohave enough time.
Americans were asked about their stress and time pressures in a Dec. 4-11 Gallup poll. This is the first year the questions have been updated in a decade, after being asked each December from 2001 through 2007.
Fewer Americans today than from 2001 through 2007 say they lack sufficient time to get done what they want, although the 44% saying this in 2004 was statistically similar to today’s 41%.
Americans’ current stress level […]