The Redwall section of the Grand Canyon National Park.
Credit: Alamy

Trump’s first year of presidency is coming to a close. We knew going in that he was going to be a disaster for science, but maybe some of us still hoped he wouldn’t be too disastrous. But the actions he has taken, the people he has appointed, and the rapacious companies and politicians he has emboldened have proved that hope was in vain. As we close out 2017, here are just a few of the countless ways the Trump administration has been a complete disaster for science and our public lands. It’s in no particular order because, frankly, it’s too depressing to linger on the damage long enough to compare.

1. Trump’s EPA won’t make mining companies set aside money to clean up their damage to the environment.

Some of you may remember that I’m the daughter of a coal miner. One of the things my dad’s company was required to do was clean up after themselves. Once mining operations were done, they had to leave […]

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