For the last decade or so, solar energy’s future was so bright, you needed sunglasses to look directly at it. Thanks in large part to the Solar Investment Tax Credit enacted in 2006, the solar sector has seen an average annual growth of 68 percent over the last decade. In 2016, the cumulative capacity of American solar energy surpassed 40 gigawatts, which is enough energy to power 6.5 million households. Some 374,000 people held solar jobs as of 2016 and solar panel installation has been the fastest-growing occupation in the country, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But solar providers worry their perspectives may have suddenly dimmed.
On Monday, President Donald Trump announced his approval of a 30 percent tariff on all imported solar modules and cells. Looking at this news, you might feel (sun)burnt by the disagreement over Trump’s decision—and left with quite a […]
Unfortunate. There is a major need to innovate in response and roll out more advanced solar panels that are cheaper, lighter weight and exceed the current efficiencies. Government neither subsidize nor penalize energy technologies..the result is always winners and losers.