A palm oil plantation cut out of the jungle. Credit: Big Spoon Roasters

A sandy track leads toward the jungle. The workers’ two four-by-four vehicles splash through deep puddles as they pass the long lines of palm trees and the bushes that grow in between.

The men have affixed metal poles to the beds of the pickups, each with a sickle-shaped blade screwed onto the end.

After three-quarters of an hour, the vehicles come to a halt. Pon Churom, who goes by Pot, is the leader of the team, members of which now begin to cut ripe leaves and fruit bunches from the tops of the palm trees. Each time one of the heavy bunches plummets to earth, the ground shakes. The fruits are ready for harvest once they have turned bright red:

The Knife Men

The fields where cutters like Pot and his colleagues work […]

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