Senate Majority Leader Republican Senator Mitch McConnell
A wise, out-of-touch coastal elite once wrote that American conservatism was less a political philosophy than a set of “irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas.” This was never a fair summary of our nation’s rich tradition of reactionary thought — but it is a serviceable definition of the Republican agenda, circa 2018.
Today’s Grand Old Party is officially committed to ever-lower taxes on the rich, ever-higher spending on the military, and a balanced budget within ten years. It would be virtually impossible to square these three priorities, even if Republicans had the courage of Charles Koch’s convictions on entitlement spending. But they don’t. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan campaigned against Barack Obama’s “Medicare cuts” in 2012; Donald Trump ran on a promise not to cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare in 2016; and last year, the Republican leadership proved unwilling to fully abolish Barack Obama’s main addition to the welfare state — and unable to get 50 GOP senators to […]