Spirit World

Stephan:  I got an email today asking me for a copy of an article I had written several years ago for American Heritage about  two communities of mediums (individuals who channel people who have died). I had forgotten it and, when I pulled it out, I thought you all might find it of interest. So here it is.

Lilly Dale, New York, a community of mediums
Credit: Religion News Service

We walk down a street that seems lifted from a Victorian-era children’s book, and there, on the white clapboard cottage’s wall, is the small sign we have been told to look for: MRS. HANSON—MEDIUM . Reverend Hanson answers the door, and behind her sits Mr. Hanson, with his newspaper, in what can only be called a front parlor. We are invited in, but only my wife, Hayden, may enter the reading room, lest my “vibrations” disturb the clarity of Mrs. Hanson’s focus. On the left of the entrance to the reading room, pinned to the wall, is Hanson’s certificate of ordination from the International General Assembly of Spiritualists and her Florida State business license, entitling her to give readings from her home.

Psychic “channeling” is no recent development in America, and the New Age movement we know today is really only the most recent iteration of a feature of the nation’s religious and spiritual landscape that can be traced […]

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Armed ‘Teacher of the Year’ Opens Fire in School

Stephan:  It is an article of faith to the NRA and gun proponents, that more guns make things safer. There is not a shred of evidence that this is true, and an already large, and still growing, corpus of research saying it is pernicious nonsense. Perhaps the most egregious manifestation of this zombie thinking is the scheme to arm teachers. There are so many wrong things about this idea it is hard to know where to start. Anyone who knows anything about combat knows that if one soldier only has a handgun, let's say your standard .45, and the other solider has an AK-47 or AR-15 rifle that the odds are overwhelming the rifle wielding soldier will win the day. The idea that a kindergarten teacher, or a sophomore algebra teacher is going to run out into a hallway packed with screaming frightened children running away from a killer, who is pumping out possibly hundreds of rounds, and pick the killer off as happens in movies is absolute nonsense. If you hear someone say we should arm teachers so that they can deter shooters, you know you are listening to a gun zombie. In a highly emotional adrenaline driven state it is very hard even for trained soldiers who are in their first combat engagements to hit anything. Why do you think when the police get into gun confrontations, even when the person they are firing on has no gun, that they fire so many rounds and that most splatter all over the scene, frequently hurting people who are just innocent bystanders? And these are trained police. It is all is just so much crap being put forward by the NRA and its dimwitted followers. And then there is this.  

Credit: Daily Beast

President Trump’s proposal to arm teachers seemed nutty enough even before a second former high school teacher of the year was arrested for firing a gun inside his school.

Both teachers were in Georgia, which generally prohibits people from carrying firearms on school grounds, The first was a star math instructor at Lithia Springs High School, 25 miles from Atlanta. He fired one bullet from a handgun in what may have been a suicide attempt back in August.

The second was on Wednesday, when a star social studies teacher at Dalton High School, 90 miles from Atlanta. He was arrested for barricading himself in his classroom and firing a shot with a handgun for reasons yet to be determined.

In between the two teacher-involved incidents, the mass shooting at a Florida high school prompted President Trump to propose arming educators:

“Armed Educators (and trusted people who work within a school) love our students and will protect them. Very smart people. Must be firearms adept & have annual training. Should get yearly […]

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Yes, Bacon Really Is Killing Us

Stephan:  Read this, and alter your eating habits accordingly

Credit: The Guardian

There was a little cafe I used to go to that did the best bacon sandwiches. They came in a soft and pillowy white bap. The bacon, thick-cut from a local butcher, was midway between crispy and chewy. Ketchup and HP sauce were served in miniature jars with the sandwich, so you could dab on the exact amount you liked. That was all there was to it: just bread and bacon and sauce. Eating one of these sandwiches, as I did every few weeks, with a cup of strong coffee, felt like an uncomplicated pleasure.

And then, all of a sudden, the bacon sandwich stopped being quite so comforting. For a few weeks in October 2015, half the people I knew were talking about the news that eating bacon was now a proven cause of cancer. You couldn’t miss the story: it was splashed large in every newspaper and all over the web. As one journalist wrote in Wired, “Perhaps no two words together are more likely to […]

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Millennials projected to overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation

Stephan:  My great hope for America is that the generations that have come after the Baby Boomers, the Gen Xers, and the Millennials, now old enough to vote, will do so in vast numbers in the election that is a few months away, and that they will overwhelmingly vote Democratic. I wouldn't say they are our only hope, but I wouldn't argue very hard if you did. I say all this not because I am a partisan, or that I think Democrats are the be all, because they aren't; they have all kinds of problems. But I don't care about partisanship, I only care about facts, and on the basis of social outcome research there is no question that whatever their flaws Democrats conduct better governance that produces more social wellbeing than Republicans. Period. Full stop.

Millennials are on the cusp of surpassing Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living adult generation, according to population projections from the U.S. Census Bureau. As of July 1, 2016 (the latest date for which population estimates are available), Millennials, whom we define as ages 20 to 35 in 2016, numbered 71 million, and Boomers (ages 52 to 70) numbered 74 million. Millennials are expected to overtake Boomers in population in 2019 as their numbers swell to 73 million and Boomers decline to 72 million. Generation X (ages 36 to 51 in 2016) is projected to pass the Boomers in population by 2028.

The Millennial generation continues to grow as young immigrants expand its ranks. Boomers – whose generation was defined by the boom in U.S. births following World War II – are aging and their numbers shrinking in size as the number of deaths among them exceeds the number of older immigrants arriving in the country.

Because generations are analytical constructs, it takes time […]

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Prophets Gather At Trump’s Washington Hotel To Unleash Angel Armies On His Deep State Enemies

Stephan:  I just don't think the mass of Americans have any idea how invidious the christofascist movement  has become in their attempt to take control of America. That is why they support Trump. They know what a vulgar grifter he is, and they don't care, and support him, because they are his base and he does their bidding. They don't care about technology, facts, climate change, or any of the things that matter to social wellbeing. Instead they are lost in a miasma of late Bronze Age, early Iron Age thinking with its mythic world view of end times and battles with Satan.

A new era in American and human history began at the end of last week, according to self-described apostles and prophets who gathered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.

“There’s never been anything on planet Earth like what’s about to happen,” said host Dutch Sheets at Thursday evening’s opening session, predicting worldwide spiritual revival as well as political and spiritual transformation of the United States as a result of the event and the prayers that preceded it. The death of Billy Graham, whose body rested in the U.S. Capitol during the conference, was described as confirmation of the spiritual significance of the gathering, with Graham’s anointing being placed on a new generation of spiritual warriors.

Joining Sheets at the conference—called “The Turnaround: An Appeal to Heaven”—were Chuck PierceCindy JacobsLou Engle and other leaders of the “intercessory prayer” movement, along with 1,300 attendees who filled the Trump hotel’s presidential ballroom to capacity for hours of music, prayer, speaking in tongues, and prophetic decrees. Many of the conference leaders have been working together and supporting one another’s ministries for decades, and they joked and teased each other on stage. But they were utterly serious about their […]

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