SF Motors electric vehicle

The latest electric vehicle Silicon Valley start-up held its coming-out party Wednesday to introduce two crossover sport utility vehicles. Another EV player? Yes. But this one comes with some unusual twists.

The company, SF Motors, already has procured two manufacturing plants — one in Indiana, one in China. Its primary investor, Sokon, is a well-established, deep-pocketed, decades-old auto parts and vehicle maker in Chongqing, run by the father of SF Motors founder John Zhang.

And SF Motors will design and manufacture its own batteries, including the individual battery cell cylinders themselves, with technology developed by Martin Eberhard, its chief scientist and Tesla’s founder.

Two prototype vehicles were shown, but few facts about the cars were revealed. They will boast a range above 300 miles and be equipped with lidar — a light-based version of radar — for self-drive capabilities. The larger vehicle, the SF7, can […]

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