If I read it correctly, the Trump administraton, defender of reducing government spending for all things but national security and military parades, now wants to screen the social media posts of every visitor to the United States.
All 14.7 million of them, including my family from Argentina.
I guess the idea is that you can’t be too careful about who enters through the nation’s airports, ports and roads. Someone may have become radicalized and want to harm Americans.
You might notice that some people come to this country to do business, to be part of cultural tours or to just to visit cousins.
I’m expecting my next overseas vacation will require sharing my fascinating Facebook and Instagram posts.
Overseas customs officials will be as just as rapt as American audiences about seeing pictures of my grandchildren and the picture of my jazz band playing at a Greenwich Village club.
Under rules the U.S. State Department issued last week, nearly all applicants for a visa to enter the United States—14.7 million people a year—will be asked to submit their social media usernames for the past five […]