Access Hollywood

One thing that came out of the hack on Ashley Madison was the information that the site was overwhelmingly dominated by male users. Data is now revealing, however, that among those men (and women) currently using the site, the majority were Republicans.

Ashley Madison is the world’s leading website for married people seeking additional relationships. According to their numbers, for all of those conservatives who claim “family values,” they’re more apt to compromise their morality if it is expedient for them to do so.

“The Republican party has often touted its traditional values with a foundation based on Judeo-Christian ethics, ethics of course that do not align with adultery,” noted a release on the topic.

However, 89 percent of cheaters “say that opposing political views would compel them to cheat on their spouse.” Of those Ashley Madison users, 60 percent self-identify as Republicans. Those that are cheating also indicated that they’d prefer to cheat with a fellow Republican (55 percent).

“It’s surprising […]

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