Activist Mommy’ Elizabeth Johnston (Screenshot)

Motivated by a right wing Christian “mommy” blogger, anti-gay hate groups, Franklin Graham, the Benham Brothers, Breitbart, and Fox News, conservative parents are keeping kids home from school today in a boycott protesting comprehensive sex-ed they are calling “pornographic.” Some, like the Family Research Council, are likening sex-ed to child molestation, using the hashtag, .

“Pornographic sex ed is being implemented across our globe in an attempt to indoctrinate our children with ‘sexual rights,’ ” a letter parents are being urged to send to their children’s schools reads, the right wing Washington Times reported earlier this month “This is unacceptable and [I am] joining others both nationally and globally in taking a stand to say ‘enough!’ “

“Elizabeth Johnston, a social conservative activist who blogs under the name Activist Mommy, is one of the protest’s organizers,” the Times added. “She said most parents wouldn’t ‘stand for the kind of graphic, gender-bending sex ed’ that schools are teaching.”

Here’s a video Johnson posted to Facebook last […]

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