1 in 5 gun owners take drugs, have mental illness: study

Stephan:  This research report seems sort of obvious on a common sense basis.

More than 20 percent of gun owners in the U.S. admit to using drugs while also suffering from a mental health disorder, according to a study.

According to a survey of 1,098 gun owners by rehab center The Florida House Experience, one in three people self-identify as having a mental health disorder, with anxiety, mood disorders and post-traumatic stress among some of the most common conditions. (emphasis added)

Elsewhere, 33.7 percent of those taking part in the survey admit to being drug users, with nearly 17 percent of these gun owners saying they take drugs every day. According to the survey—Don’t Shoot the Messenger: A Look at Gun Ownership, Drug Use, and Mental Health in America— cocaine, marijuana and Xanax, a prescription medication used to treat anxiety that is becoming increasingly popular among young people recreationally, are the three most used drugs by gun owners.

In total, one in five gun owners self-identify as having a mental health condition—not necessarily diagnosed with one—as well as taking drugs illicitly.

The study was conducted in order to examine gun culture in the U.S., specifically in the wake of the […]

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Study finds glyphosate in pregnant women

Stephan:  In order for a small group of the uber-rich to make a profit the peasants have to be poisoned, even in the womb. Too bad, but money comes first. And those in the  states that voted for Trump, get to be poisoned the most of all; it just seems fair. Citation for the paper upon which this report is based: https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-018-0367-0

A new study on glyphosate in pregnant women from Indiana confirms that this widely used herbicide ends up in people’s bodies. The findings also suggest that prenatal glyphosate exposure may be linked to shorter pregnancies.

Glyphosate is the most-used herbicide in the world. It’s the primary active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicide formulations used with genetically engineered (GE) crops.

Women in rural areas have more

Researchers collected both residential drinking water and urine samples from 71 pregnant women in Central Indiana. Data were also collected about food and water consumption, stress and place of residence. Urinary glyphosate levels were then correlated with fetal growth indicators and length of pregnancy.

Higher urinary glyphosate levels in this study were found in women residing in rural areas. Based on previous studies, the most likely source of glyphosate exposure was via diet. It’s also possible that among the women from rural areas, inhalation of contaminated air or dust from nearby fields may have exposed them to glyphosate.

The other subset of women who had higher glyphosate […]

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As Antarctic Melting Accelerates, Worst-Case Scenarios May Come True

Stephan:  I have been studying climate change for decades now. There are only two constants: 1) The timeline keeps collapsing; 2) As this happens the outcomes become ever worse than predicted. Here is the lastest, which predicts two billion climate refugees by 2100. Which is to say a complete social crisis and breakdown.

Some of the world’s most profound melting of glaciers is happening in the Antarctic; and is invisible from above.

According to a study recently published in the journal Nature Geoscience, the underwater melting of Antarctic glaciers is now occurring at a rate that is doubling every 20 years. This means that melting in the ice continent of Antarctica could soon outpace that occurring across Greenland, which would make Antarctica the single largest source of sea level rise.

The new study was the first complete underwater mapping of Antarctica, by far the world’s largest body of ice.

The study shows that warming ocean waters have caused the base of the ice near the ocean floor around the south pole to shrink by 1,463 kilometers from 2010 to 2016. This development will likely force worst-case projections of sea level rise to be revised upwards.

The water is melting the glacier ice away from the seafloor, which was acting as a sort of plug.

The current worst-case scenario outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is just over 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) of sea […]

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In 83 Million Eviction Records, a Sweeping and Intimate New Look at Housing in America

Stephan:  Underneath the stock market, where real people live this is the truth of many of their lives.
Cities in the data with the highest
rate of eviction judgments in 2016

Eviction filing rate
Eviction judgment rate

North Charleston, S.C.

Richmond, Va.

Hampton, Va.

Newport News, Va.

Jackson, Miss.

Norfolk, Va.

Greensboro, N.C.

Columbia, S.C.

Warren, Mich.

Chesapeake, Va.

For cities with a population of 100,000 or more. Eviction filing rate refers to eviction cases filed per 100 renter households. Some households experience more than one summons in a single year.

RICHMOND, Va. — Before the first hearings on the morning docket, the line starts to clog the lobby of the John Marshall Courthouse. No cellphones are allowed inside, but many of the people who’ve been summoned don’t learn that until they arrive. “Put it in your car,” the sheriff’s deputies suggest at the metal detector. That advice is no help to renters who have come by bus. To make it inside, some tuck their phones in the bushes nearby.

This courthouse handles every eviction in Richmond, a city with one of the highest eviction rates in the country, according to new data covering dozens of states and compiled by a team led by the Princeton sociologist Matthew Desmond.

Jakarta Is the World’s Fastest-Sinking City and It May Have Only a Decade Left

Stephan:  Cape Town, South Africa, a city of more than 4 million people is running out of water. Jakarta, Indonesia, a city of 10 million people is being submerged and may have only 10 years left. This story explains the situation there. That's 14 million people. Where do you think they will go when their cities become uninhabitable? And when there are a hundred cities in similar circumstances, and a third of the people on the planet are forced to migrate somewhere else, will civilization survive?  Water is destiny, and the cretins in Congress and the Executive branch who refuse to believe that and actively work to keep people ignorant of what is coming are guilty of crimes against humanity.

Jakarta, Indonesia

  • The city, home to about 10 million people, is reportedly sinking at a rate of nearly 10 inches each year.
  • About 40 percent of the metropolis now lies beneath sea level.
  • An overabundance of private water wells under the city, development and rising seas is proving to be disastrous for Southeast Asia’s largest city.

The Indonesian city of Jakarta, touted as the world’s fastest-sinking city, may only have a decade left before it’s too late to reverse impending disaster.

About 40 percent of the metropolis now lies beneath sea level, and several districts, including Muara Baru, have sunk as much as 14 feet in recent years, the New York Times has reported.

The city that is home to about 10 million people is reportedly sinking at a rate of nearly 10 inches per year, largely due to the overconsumption of groundwater.

Only about a third of the city’s population is served with piped water, so residents are resorting to digging illegal wells deeper and deeper into the ground to access groundwater. As the […]

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