In response to a viral tweet showing Curry’s response, a pro-Trump Twitter account is already accusing Curry of being a crisis actor, saying she was looking down because she was reading from a script.
Pro-Trump media accused Parkland survivors of being crisis actors when they began speaking out following the mass shooting at their school in February.
Each and everyone a trumpet to the end no matter what. The levels of vile stupidity in this country is beyond my understanding. I don’t know if or how we can recover from these trumpian times. We are less than two years in…
In Orlando, someone told the police to hold back from going in, which allowed the gunman to kill more people.
At Parkland, cops failed to go in so more people were killed.
Politicians who have armed guards tell us we shouldn’t have armed guards in schools.
Really Sam how do you know that any of that is true??? Me being an ordinary nobody I never get the real news.