Texas school had a shooting plan, armed officers and practice. And still 10 people died.

Stephan:  The bankruptcy of the gun lobby's thinking has been made starkly obvious by the Santa Fe massacre. Remember that argument about armed teachers, "hardened" schools, as if they were bunkers in a war zone, and the other gun nonsense. Well, as it turns out Santa Fe met the standards the NRA proposed; it didn't help. What limited the death toll was the fact the shooter didn't have an AK-47 or an M-16, just an old-fashioned revolver and a shotgun. Here's the story.

Carissa Potts hugs daughter Kaylee, 7, after leaving flowers at a memorial outside Santa Fe High School in Texas.
Credit: Scott Olson

SANTA FE, TEXAS — They, like so many others, thought they had taken the steps to avoid this.

The school district had an active-shooter plan, and two armed police officers walked the halls of the high school. School district leaders had even agreed last fall to eventually arm teachers and staff under the state’s school marshal program, one of the country’s most aggressive and controversial policies intended to get more guns into classrooms.

They thought they were a hardened target, part of what’s expected today of the American public high school in an age when school shootings occur with alarming frequency. And so a death toll of 10 was a tragic sign of failure and needing to do more, but also a sign, to some, that it could have been much worse.

“My first indication is that our policies and procedures worked,” J.R. “Rusty” Norman, president of […]

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No, Oliver North—Ritalin Is Not Leading to School Shootings

Stephan:  The NRA, in my view is a truly evil organization, I cannot imagine how any ethical person could belong to it. It has selected as its new president one of the Fox zombies, Oliver North. The NRA doesn't seem to recognize the glaring irony of selecting as your president a man who is a convicted felon, money launderer, gun and drug smuggler in support of terrorists, and perjurer in front of congress. Although actually, upon reflection I think the organization and the man are well-matched. As it happens I have met Oliver North several times and he's not very bright, although perhaps the gun corporations that own the NRA see that as a plus. Here he presents the NRA argument for gun violence in schools. It is, of course, complete crap.

Oliver North, convicted felon, arms smuggler, drug smuggler, and perjurer, and now president of the NRA

Incoming NRA president Oliver North has a strange theory about why Dimitrios Pagourtzis, 17,  marched into Santa Fe High School outside of Houston, Texas last Friday and killed 10 people with a shotgun and .38 revolver, while wounding 13 others. North, the disgraced former National Security Council staffer who funneled proceeds from arms sales to Iran to benefit Nicaraguan terrorists during Ronald Reagan’s presidency, blames  violent video games and Ritalin.

“The problem we’ve got is we’re trying like the dickens to treat the symptom without treating the disease,” North said on Fox News Sunday. “And the disease, in this case, isn’t the Second Amendment. The disease is youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence, they’ve been drugged in many cases. Nearly all of these perpetrators are male and they’re young teenagers in most cases.”

“Many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten,” North claimed, without evidence. “Now I’m certainly not a doctor, […]

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Researchers turn low-level nuclear waste into glass

Stephan:  This is beginning to look like not only good news, but a major breakthrough. The first seemingly viable technology to deal with the millions of gallons of low-level nuclear waste which litters the American countryside.

Scientists melt radioactive waste into glass in a test platform at PNNL designed to mimic a Direct Feed Low-Activity Waste system being constructed at Hanford
Credit: PNNL

The Cold War left behind significant amounts of low-level nuclear waste, but the future may be a bit cleaner thanks to a team of scientists at the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), who have vitrified low-level radioactive waste for the first time in a continuous process. In a laboratory set up, 3 gal (11.4 L) of waste taken from a tank at the decommissioned Hanford Site nuclear production complex in Washington state was turned into a form of durable glass that immobilizes the radioactive and chemical compounds inside.

Nuclear waste is one of the major environmental headaches of our time. Even if every reactor on Earth were to suddenly shut down and none built again, there is still millions of gallons of waste left over from three quarters of a century of production to deal with, along with future waste from […]

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Slovenia, a land with beekeeping in its genes

Stephan:  There have been so many truly awful stories about the situation of bees, that I am happy to report this good news. Slovenia shows how a nation can live happily with bees, to the benefit of both. These little beings are essential to successful agriculture, and ecological wellbeing, one of whose attributes is having enough to eat. Bees are a leverage point that can powerfully influence a nation's wellbeing. It is my personal view that beekeepers should be part of the forestry service, and that communities should regulate toxins and maintain beekeeping as a community activity, with skilled government employees managing the hives, without having to make profit a consideration. Although, in fact, I believe the honey and wax from those hives would actually make the service self-funded and  profitable.

Beekeeping is a cherished national tradition in Slovenia, which has led the way in raising awareness of the plight of bees
Credit: phys.org

It was a Slovene who wrote the world’s first modern beekeeping manual.

And Slovenia has gone on to lead the way in raising awareness of the plight of bees, as concern has grown over the health of the world’s  in recent years.

Beekeeping is a cherished national tradition in Slovenia, with colourful beehives to be found dotted throughout fields, on the edge of forests, in gardens and on city rooftops.

The bee can be spotted as a symbol of industriousness above the doorways of banks and museums, and now even on a special two-euro coin issued by the country’s central bank to mark the first World Bee Day on Sunday, an initiative launched by Slovenia and backed by the United Nations.

“Once you start keeping bees, it’s like an addiction,” Bostjan Noc, head of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association tells AFP, adding that his family boasts several generations of apiarists.

“We have […]

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Pro-Trump media are already accusing Santa Fe shooting survivors of being crisis actors

Stephan:  In the christofascist world the mass murder that just occurred at Santa Fe High school was a staged event using what have come to be known as "crisis actors." This requires such a distortion of reality that it is hard to believe anyone would seriously believe such a scenario. But they do; we have a significant minority in America who see the same events that you and I see, but to them it is part of a very different reality. One to which they are passionately committed.

In response to a viral tweet showing Curry’s response, a pro-Trump Twitter account is already accusing Curry of being a crisis actor, saying she was looking down because she was reading from a script.




Pro-Trump media accused Parkland survivors of being crisis actors when they began speaking out following the mass shooting at their school in February.

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