Pro-choice demonstrators in front of the Supreme Court
Justice Anthony Kennedy announced on Wednesday that he will be retiring from the Supreme Court at the end of July. His retirement poses a dangerous threat to reproductive rights, as President Donald Trump has vowed to fill his vacant spot with a judge who will work to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 case that legalized abortion in the country.
“The stakes are incredibly high,” Julie Rikelman, senior director of U.S. litigation at the Center for Reproductive Rights told the Cut. “Kennedy had been the decisive vote in several cases preserving the rights to abortion, and as a result his retirement means the court could shift against the constitutional right to abortion and access to abortion.”
So, what happens next? And what does this mean for reproductive rights? Here, we break it down for you.
Several Pending Cases Could Raise the Question of Abortion in the Supreme Court
In the 1980s, former president Ronald […]