Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and America’s “geopolitical suicide”

Stephan:  Trump has seriously damaged America geopolitically. One has only to read the press in Europe and Asia to see that. The question is not has he damaged us as a country, but how severe the damage is, can it be repaired and, if so, how long it will take to repair it.

The Trump-Putin summit was, by all accounts, a disgrace for the United States. President Trump kowtowed to Vladimir Putin, praising the Russian leader as a potential partner and casting doubt on accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

But the thing that made it not just disgraceful but actively terrifying was the timing.

Last week, Trump attended a NATO summit, where he met with America’s top allies in Western Europe to discuss (among other things) the threat from Putin’s Russia. Trump spent the meeting bashing American allies for not spending enough on their own defense, labeling the Western alliance “delinquent.” Shortly afterward, he gave interviews slamming the UK prime minister and labeling the European Union a ”foe.”

The contrast with the Putin press conference, in which Trump vowed to build an “extraordinary relationship” with Russia, couldn’t be clearer. In fact, the same day as the fawning Putin presser, the Trump administration brought a World Trade Organization suit alleging that the bulk of NATO allies are engaging in unfair trade practices against the United States.

We all kind […]

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Trump’s Helsinki Humiliation

Stephan:  In my view today we witnessed an American president who is under the control of a Russia leader, and whose allegiance is not to the United States. Here for clarity's sake is a brief summary of what took place and how some people reacted. To me what must be followed is what the Republican Party does, inasmuch as Trump is their leader. It is already clear that the damage that has been done to America's national interests at every stop on this Trump trip will take years to repair.

Illustration: Lazaro Gamio/Axios

President Trump’s press conference with Vladimir Putin was a disaster. And that was the assessment of many of his GOP allies.

Why it matters: Trump had a chance to assert himself — and stand up for his countrymen — against foreign interference in our elections. He passed, and stood by as Putin boasted he preferred Trump over Hillary Clinton.

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“Yes I did [prefer Trump]. Because he talked about bringing the US-Russia relationship back to normal.”
— Putin to reporters Monday

Play the tape… Over the course of the press conference, Trump:

  • Sided with Russia over his own law enforcement.
  • Turned a question on Russian election interference into a rambling dialogue on Hillary Clinton’s email server and his electoral college votes.
  • And stood by, nodding, while Putin repeatedly lied about election interference.

Inside the room: I was sitting maybe 20 feet from Putin, in the second row of press gathered at the palace in Helsinki. Putin was subtly smirking throughout the conference […]

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Russian woman charged with spying for Moscow by ‘infiltrating’ NRA

Stephan:  I have thought of the NRA as an evil organization for some years, and by evil I mean an organization whose deliberate efforts result in the degradation of social wellbeing. Now I think of them as a treasonous organization, actively working against the best interests of the United States. Here's one example of why I say this. In my view you cannot be an ethical person and a member of the NRA. Oh, and I think collusion amongst Trump, the Republican Party, and the Russians is now a demonstrated fact.

Maria Butina was charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of Russia within the US without prior notification to the attorney general.
Credit: Facebook

A Russian woman has been charged with spying for Moscow in the US by infiltrating the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an attempt to influence the Republican party and American politics.

Maria Butina, who purported to be a pro-gun activist, met American politicians and candidates to establish “back channels” and secretly reported back to the Kremlin through a high-level Russian official, according to the US justice department.

Prosecutors said in a statement that Butina, 29, had been “developing relationships with US persons and infiltrating organisations having influence in American politics, for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian federation”.

Butina was charged with conspiracy to act as a Russian agent within the US without notifying the attorney general. She was arrested on Sunday and appeared before a magistrate in Washington on […]

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Republicans Bow To Industry Pressure, Shut Down Vital Healthcare Resource

Stephan:  Once again Trump and the zombie Trumplicans screw the voters in service to their corporate masters' interests. And almost nobody pays heed.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, Trump and Vice President Pence in the White House Jan. 29, 2018.
Credit: White House photo/Joyce Boghosian

America’s federal database of medical treatment guidelines—a resource for doctors, hospitals and patients for more than two decades—will be dead on Tuesday (July 17). The National Guideline Clearinghouse website at was shut down by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, it said, because “Federal funding through AHRQ will no longer be available to support the NGC.”

Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), chair of the House Appropriations Committee until the beginning of last year, had targeted the agency for elimination even after doctors warned him not to kill As TYT reported on Sunday, Rogers doubled the number of health-industry companies in which he invested last year.

The White House also pitched killing the research agency. Under new Appropriations Chairman Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.), the agency was spared last year, but the budget was slashed from $2.1 million to $1.2 million.

The national guidelines have been a target for Republicans since the 1990s, when […]

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See Bones, Blood and Tissue in World’s First 3D Colored X-Ray

Stephan:  Here is some good news in medical research. A major breakthrough; look at the image.

A human wrist, with it watch. Credit: MARS Bioimaging Ltd.

Think you know what to expect from an X-ray? Think again. MARS Bioimaging just developed the world’s first 3D full-color X-ray — they’re pretty incredible (and a little uncanny). The MARS system is a medical scanner using technology from CERN, and it captures the human body in startling detail. It took over a decade to develop, and it could offer not only more visually stimulating bone-scans, but more accurate results for doctors and patients.

The “Spectral CT” uses a sensor that can measure specific wavelengths of X-rays as they pass through various materials. Next, the system runs the spectroscopic data through algorithms, generating a 3D colored image in previously unimaginable detail. In these scans, you can not only see bone, but blood, tissue, fat, and even the inner workings of a watch. The MARS scanner use Medipix chips, which were first developed to track particles at the Large Hadron Collider. The chip essentially functions like a camera that captures and counts […]

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