Stephan: To quote this story: "Of the more than 1,000 people surveyed in May and June of this year, only one person was able to name all five First Amendment rights. A whopping 40 percent, however, couldn't name any."
I think the problem with America is that we have not experienced civil disruption or mass death in our country in living memory, not since the Civil War, compared with Europe, Asia, and Russia where tens of millions died in social unrest within the lifetime of living people, and every family has a story of loss.
We're just fat, dumb and ignorant. About 34% of us have IQs between 98 and 85, and 15% of Americans are have IQs between 85 and 55 and are mildly retarded. We don't cherish our democracy, and about a third of us are White Supremacists and pledge allegiance to a religious cult, although most would deny it if challenged. Here are some facts.
First Amendment demonstration
According to the Freedom Forum Institute’s annual “State of the First Amendment” (SOFA) survey, it looks like a shocking number of Americans are unfamiliar with their First Amendment rights.
Of the more than 1,000 people surveyed in May and June of this year, only one person was able to name all five First Amendment rights. A whopping 40 percent, however, couldn’t name any. (emphasis added)

Screenshot/Freedom Forum Institute
Among those who could name one or a few, the right to freedom of speech was the most commonly remembered, with 56 percent of respondents being able to list it.
The other rights didn’t fare so well, however, with just 15 percent of respondents naming freedom of religion, 13 percent naming freedom of the press, 12 percent naming freedom of peaceful assembly, and a measly 2 percent naming the freedom to petition the government.

Screenshot/Freedom Forum Institute
Among some incorrect answers […]